Application of Nursing Theory to Practice

Application of Nursing Theory to Practice

Becoming a practicing nurse is not an easy task. Throughout their education, students face assignments and research related to nursing theories. Practical training is also part of the program. Here, we’ll delve into the Application of Nursing Theory to Practice:

Nursing students encounter a variety of theories that serve as the foundation for nursing practice. These theories are used as references and case studies by nurses. However, once nurses start practicing, they often don’t refer back to these theories to confirm case outcomes.

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Most of these applications are carried out by nurses with a basic understanding. Not all theories are actually put into practice in real-life hospitals. Now, let’s explore these theories, how they’re applied, and their significance.

Introduction to Nursing Theories

As students, it’s important to ask: What are these theories? Why should we study them? And what role do they play?

What are Nursing Theories?

This question is relevant in all respects. Nursing theories consist of organized concepts developed through research that explain nursing principles. They further define the scope of nursing and its practice.

With the definition of nursing in mind, let’s now delve into the scope of nursing theories. These theories are categorized into key parts or concepts as outlined below:

1. Person/The Patient

Within nursing theories, the concept of “person” refers to the patient, who is the individual receiving care. This concept also encompasses those who care for the patient.

2. Environment/The Hospital

The environment refers to the hospital setting or the patient’s surroundings. These concepts suggest that changing the environment can positively impact a patient’s condition.

3. Nursing/The Practice

The core of nursing theory involves the relationship between the patient and the nurse. The nurse is expected to apply their skills in a professional manner.

4. Health/Personal Well-Being

This aspect focuses on the overall well-being of the patient, encompassing social, spiritual, emotional, and physical dimensions to ensure the patient’s speedy recovery.

The aforementioned concepts are commonly covered by various theorists. Nursing students and practicing nurses need to identify which concepts align with specific theories.

Below are the primary nursing theories that all nursing students and practicing nurses should study thoroughly:

1. Grand Nursing Theories

These theories provide conceptual frameworks for nurses, addressing how nurses behave in their environment. While not extremely detailed, they can be applied in various contexts.

2. Middle-Range Nursing Theories

Unlike grand nursing theories, middle-range theories are more specific and detailed. They offer intricate insights into related theories or interrelated disciplines. These theories have been tested and proven over time.

3. Practice-Level Nursing Theories

Practice-level nursing theories offer even more detailed insights, particularly suited for practical situations. These theories can exist within both grand and middle-range theories, but at the practice level, the details are more specific to guide nurses in proper interventions.

Importance of Nursing Theories

Theories play a crucial role in nursing as they provide a foundation for applying concepts. They serve as reference points for nurses in patient care.

– Nurses rely on theories for making critical decisions.
– Theories, like Imogene King’s theory of Goal Attainment, help nurses understand their vital role in a patient’s environment as they strive for better health.
– Theories empower nurses to provide high-quality healthcare to their patients.
– Environmental regulations are guided by theories, ensuring nurses’ well-being as they practice within hospitals.
– Theories offer guidance for decision-making prior to administering treatments.
– They set professional boundaries and ethical guidelines for nurses.
– The evidence-based practice in nursing is possible due to years of researched theories.

Who Benefits from Applying Nursing Theory to Practice?

Various individuals utilize the application of nursing theory to practice. Researchers use these theories as references to advance their studies, students employ them to enhance their knowledge before entering real-world scenarios, and practicing nurses use them for reference and informed decision-making.

Nursing Theories and Theorists

Theorists, backed by thorough research, have formulated principles supporting the four primary nursing concepts. Their evidence-based theories continue to be applied by practicing nurses today. Here are some theorists and their corresponding concepts:

– Ida Jean Orlando – Theory of Nursing Process
Orlando’s theory emphasizes the importance of nurses forming a connection with patients to deliver effective treatment. This centers the nurse on the patient and their recovery, considering both verbal and non-verbal communication.

– Dorothy Johnson – The System Model Theory
Johnson’s theory focuses on maintaining individual stability within the system, addressing stressors in the environment that can disrupt stability.

– Madeleine Leininger – Theory of Transcultural Nursing
Leininger’s theory highlights the universal and transcultural nature of patient care, focusing on cultural values, differences, and the essence of care.

– Dorothea Orem – Self-Care Deficit Theory
Orem’s theory outlines nurses’ responsibility to care for patients, aid them in self-care, and facilitate their learning of self-care practices.

– Jean Watson – Theory of Philosophy and Caring Model
Watson emphasizes the universal nature of caring in her philosophy, asserting that genuine care stems from an authentic self, considering human nature.

– Imogene King – Theory of Goal Attainment
King’s theory asserts that all transactions within a specific environment are geared toward achieving a goal.

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– Hildegard Peplau – Theory of Interpersonal Relations
Peplau focuses on nurses understanding their own interpersonal traits to better comprehend their patients. She delineates phases of the nurse-patient relationship.

– Faye Abdellah – 21 Nursing Problems Theory
Abdellah’s theory proposes that patient-presented problems determine nursing care strategies.

– Myra Estrin Levine – The Theory of Conservation Model of Nursing
Levine suggests that nurses employ conservation techniques to enhance patients’ energy levels, personal integrity, and social/structural integrity.

These are just a few renowned nursing theorists and their contributions to the field:

– Martha Rogers – Theory of Science of Unitary Human Beings
– Nola Pendeen – Theory of Health Promotion Model
– Ida Jean Orlando – Theory of Deliberative Nursing Process
– Katharine Kolcaba – Comfort Theory
– Sister Calista Roy – Adaptation Theory
– Betty Neuman – Theory of System Model
– Sister Callista Roy – Theory Adaptation Model of Nursing


Nursing theories serve as the foundation of nursing practice, offering reference points and evidence-based decision-making tools. Nurses often use these theories instinctively. The frameworks provided by these theories supply guidance, goals, and operational scope for nurses.

A comprehensive understanding of nursing theories is essential for all nurses entering real-world practice environments. If you’re facing nursing application homework, our team can provide authentic nursing homework papers to assist you.

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