Assessment 1 Instructions: Healthcare Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video

Assessment 1 Instructions: Healthcare Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video

Greetings, everyone. I’m XXX, and I welcome you to my video reflection on collaboration and leadership. In this video, I will:

1. Reflect on my personal experience with interprofessional collaboration.
2. Discuss the repercussions of poor collaboration on the management of human and financial resources.
3. Delve into best-practice leadership and interdisciplinary collaboration strategies that can empower interdisciplinary teams to achieve their goals.

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Interdisciplinary Collaboration Experience

Exploring the Issue

During my tenure at a former healthcare organization, a concerning trend emerged. The incidence of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) among geriatric patients with comorbid chronic illnesses was on the rise. These ADRs had escalated to become a primary cause of hospital admissions and frequent visits to the emergency department. It was evident that a solution was imperative. Upon investigation, it became clear that the root of the problem lay in the medications prescribed to these patients. Most of them were taking a multitude of medications, often ranging from 5 to 9 drugs. Furthermore, certain combinations of these medications led to harmful drug-drug interactions. To exacerbate matters, each time a patient was discharged or consulted a different specialist, new medications were added, exacerbating the problem of polypharmacy.

Harnessing the Benefits of Professional Nursing Organizations

The Remedial Plan

Based on the findings unearthed by clinical pharmacists, our hospital devised a pharmacist-led medication reconciliation program, implemented at both admission and discharge. This program embraced an interdisciplinary collaboration approach involving the following healthcare professionals:

– A clinical nurse leader (CNL) led the team.
– Three Clinical pharmacists
– Four Clinicians, comprising two physicians and two Nurse practitioners (NPs)
– Five Registered nurses (RNs)

The medication reconciliation, orchestrated by a transition of care interdisciplinary team, was designed to reduce medication errors during hospital admission, discharge, and follow-up visits (Kreckman et al., 2018). The core objective was to identify unnecessary medications and potential interactions, thereby mitigating ADRs stemming from drug-drug interactions.

The interdisciplinary approach proved effective, aided by the clarity of roles and responsibilities for each team member, thus eliminating role duplication and confusion.

The Interdisciplinary Medication Reconciliation Process Unfolded as Follows:

– Upon the admission of geriatric patients, RNs meticulously verified prescribed medications through a two-step process. They updated the electronic medical record and sought approval from the attending clinician.
– At the point of discharge, RNs conducted a thorough medication reconciliation within the ward. Subsequently, the medication records were forwarded to the patient’s primary care provider.
– During follow-up visits, both an RN and a physician reevaluated the patient’s medication list.
– RNs initiated the medication reconciliation at admission, with a subsequent review of the medication list within 24 hours of the patient’s discharge.
– Clinical pharmacists closely scrutinized the list presented by RNs, rectifying medication issues such as duplication and omissions, while also suggesting evidence-based therapies (Burgess et al., 2021). Furthermore, they communicated any medication issues to the clinicians, ensuring comprehensive patient care.

For this assessment, I’ve created a 5-10 minute video reflection on an interprofessional collaboration experience. In addition, I’ve briefly discussed an interprofessional collaboration scenario, highlighting areas where it could have been more effectively managed. Interprofessional collaboration is at the core of a nurse’s responsibilities. It allows for the sharing of information and consideration of different perspectives, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes (Sullivan et al., 2015). Nurses play a crucial role as full partners in this approach, given their frequent interaction with diverse groups and records. Reflection is an essential element in building interprofessional competence, enabling a critical examination of experiences and actions from various perspectives. Through reflection, we can better understand the reasons behind people’s actions and behaviors, examine team dynamics, and identify opportunities for improved collaboration (Saunders et al., 2016).


Saunders, R., Singer, R., Dugmore, H., Seaman, K., & Lake, F. (2016). Nursing students’ reflections on an interprofessional placement in ambulatory care. Reflective Practice, 17(4), 393–402.

Sullivan, M., Kiovsky, R., Mason, D., Hill, C., & Duke, C. (2015). Interprofessional collaboration and education. American Journal of Nursing, 115(3), 47–54.

Demonstration of Proficiency:

Competency 1:

Explain strategies for managing human and financial resources to promote organizational health.
– Recognize how poor collaboration can lead to inefficient management of human and financial resources, with support from relevant literature.

Competency 2:

Explain how interdisciplinary collaboration can be used to achieve desired patient and systems outcomes.
– Reflect on an interdisciplinary collaboration experience, highlighting both successful and unsuccessful aspects in achieving desired outcomes.
– Identify best-practice interdisciplinary collaboration strategies to enhance team effectiveness in achieving goals.

Competency 4:

Explain how change management theories and leadership strategies can enable interdisciplinary teams to achieve specific organizational goals.
– Identify best-practice leadership strategies, drawn from the literature, to improve an interdisciplinary team’s ability to meet its goals.

Competency 5:

Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based communication strategies to impact patient, interdisciplinary team, and systems outcomes.
– Communicate in a professional manner with clear speech and proper grammar.

Thank you for joining me in this reflection on healthcare collaboration and leadership. Your commitment to this endeavor exemplifies your dedication to enhancing healthcare practices.

Assessment 1 Instructions: Healthcare Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video

Acknowledging the Importance of Reflective Practice

This reflection exercise in the form of a video aims to foster your development as a reflective practitioner within the healthcare domain. By critically examining your experiences in interprofessional collaboration, you have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of your problem-solving capabilities, both in terms of successes and areas requiring improvement. The core of this reflection involves creating a video in which you will discuss the best practices of interprofessional collaboration and leadership strategies, drawing upon scholarly literature for support.

Understanding the Scenario

As a member of the healthcare team at Vila Health, you are entrusted with the task of reflecting on a specific project or experience that involved interprofessional collaboration. In your role as a nurse, you will delve into the details of this collaborative endeavor, highlighting the positive aspects that contributed to its success and, equally important, identifying areas where improvements are warranted. Moreover, you are expected to examine a series of events that transpired at another Vila Health location and embark on a research journey to uncover best practices in interprofessional collaboration. This knowledge will serve as a foundation for your recommendations to enhance interprofessional collaboration within your own team.

Your primary objective is to create a 5–10 minute video reflection that not only encapsulates your personal insights but also provides practical suggestions for the Vila Health team. This video will serve as a valuable resource to be shared with leadership and your colleagues at Vila Health. The overarching goal is to foster a culture of effective collaboration and leadership within the organization, thus enhancing the quality of care provided to patients.

Should you encounter any challenges related to the recording process or require alternative communication methods to complete this task, please reach out to [email protected] for the necessary accommodations. If, for any reason, recording a video becomes unfeasible, it is imperative that you promptly contact your faculty member to explore alternative options for fulfilling the assessment requirements.

Essential Instructions for Your Video Reflection

Using Kaltura, your video reflection should span a duration of 5–10 minutes. During this time, you are expected to touch upon the following key criteria, which are crucial for attaining a distinguished score:

1. Interprofessional Collaboration Experience:

Begin your video by sharing your personal experience with interprofessional collaboration within your healthcare practice. Offer insights into the specific project or scenario you were involved in. Reflect on the collaborative aspects that were successful and highlight areas that could benefit from improvement.

2. Best Practices in Interprofessional Collaboration:

Draw upon scholarly literature to elucidate best practices in interprofessional collaboration and leadership strategies. Support your discussion with citations from relevant sources.

3. Recommendations for Vila Health:

Based on your reflections and the insights derived from your research, propose practical recommendations for enhancing interprofessional collaboration within the Vila Health team. Your suggestions should be constructive and tailored to address the identified areas for improvement.

4. Professional Communication and Presentation:

Ensure that your video presentation is clear, professional, and effectively communicates your thoughts and recommendations. Pay attention to your verbal communication, tone, and overall presentation style.

To guide your efforts, it is highly recommended that you review the scoring guide associated with this reflection. A thorough understanding of the expectations will assist you in delivering a video that excels in its reflective depth and practical value.

In summary, this video reflection represents an invaluable opportunity to not only assess your experiences and understanding of interprofessional collaboration but also contribute to the ongoing enhancement of collaborative practices within Vila Health. It aligns with the broader goal of promoting a culture of effective healthcare collaboration and leadership, ultimately benefiting the patients and the entire healthcare team.

We look forward to your reflective insights and the practical recommendations you will provide to Vila Health. Your commitment to this endeavor exemplifies your dedication to the betterment of healthcare practices.

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