Caring for Yourself as a Nursing Student

Caring for Yourself as a Nursing Student

Nursing students are known for their dedication and hard work. We often hold ourselves to high standards, and it can be tough when we fall short—whether it’s forgetting an assignment, not studying enough, or facing challenges with skills assessments. This self-imposed pressure can take a toll on our mental well-being. However, it’s essential to recognize that making mistakes and being less than perfect are natural parts of our learning journey.

Self-care involves much more than just indulging in face masks or binge-watching Netflix. It encompasses the deliberate act of dedicating time to care for our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, all of which contribute to becoming the best versions of ourselves. Throughout my experience in nursing school, especially during the later semesters, I’ve learned valuable strategies for managing stress and anxiety that I’d like to share.

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A Guide to using EAQs as a Successful Nursing Student

1. Embrace Mistakes:

Every experience, even those involving mistakes, teaches us something valuable. It’s okay to stumble and falter. In fact, some of the best lessons arise from failures. Sometimes, instructors and mentors even design challenges to help us learn and grow. Such experiences contribute to our ability to offer optimal care to our patients, enabling them to thrive.

2. Prioritize Self-Care:

Treating ourselves with the same level of care and attention that we extend to our patients is crucial. We often create extensive to-do lists but may feel disappointed if we don’t accomplish everything on them. This disappointment can undermine our self-confidence, particularly in aspects like clinical skills. By showing commitment to our commitments, whether they involve extracurricular activities, clinical rotations, or clubs, we display professionalism and dedication. It’s equally important to extend that commitment to ourselves in the midst of our busy lives.

Navigating Online Nursing School

3. Schedule Leisure Time:

Carving out time for relaxation and rejuvenation is vital. After completing important tasks, allocate time for activities that help you unwind. This could involve listening to an inspirational podcast, enjoying a restorative nap, or immersing yourself in a good book. The key is to intentionally incorporate this “me-time” into your schedule after fulfilling your primary responsibilities. However, it’s essential to strike a balance and avoid overwhelming your day with an extensive to-do list. Recognize that time is limited, and finding equilibrium is key.

4. Stay Humble and Kind:

There will be days when exhaustion and discouragement after a long shift test your resolve. In these moments, reflection becomes invaluable. Recall your beginnings and the journey that led you to where you are. As a nursing student, remember the trepidation you felt while taking your first vital signs. If you’re now a patient care technician or nurse, reflect on the most challenging shifts you’ve encountered and the lessons they imparted. The field of nursing is dynamic and ever-evolving, requiring continuous learning and growth. During times of difficulty, reconnect with the initial reasons that drew you to nursing and extend compassion to yourself for embracing this profession.

Determining if Nursing School is the Right Path for You!

In the demanding environment of nursing school, remember that taking care of yourself is not only essential for your well-being but also contributes to your success as a future nurse. Embrace self-care as an integral part of your journey and allow it to empower you to excel and thrive.

Written by: Hannah Shay, RN, BSN

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