DNP 815 Week 1 Reflective Analysis

DNP 815 Week 1 Reflective Analysis


In this assignment, learners are required to construct a reflective analysis incorporating a personal nursing philosophy which will directly relate to the case report assignment due in Topic 7. As such, learners are encouraged to review the case report assignment requirements in Topic 7 to ensure that the Reflective Analysis Case Report Component Paper will provide the foundational support necessary to complete the Topic 7 assignment successfully. The Reflective Analysis Case Report Component Paper may be written in first-person language as appropriate to express personal perspectives, but must otherwise adhere to the guidelines below.

DNP 815 Week 1 Reflective Analysis Case Report Component Paper

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Reflective Analysis Case Report Component Paper General Guidelines: 

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Reflective Analysis Case Report Component Paper Directions:

Compose a 1,000-1,250 word reflective analysis incorporating your personal philosophy of nursing including the following core elements:

  1. What is your central belief about the individual person?
  2. How does your personal worldview influence your approach to patients?
  3. What constitutes the environment?
  4. How do the individual and the environment interact?
  5. What is your view of health?
  6. How does illness relate to health?
  7. What is the central reason for the existence of nursing?

Reflective Analysis Case Report Component Paper Portfolio Practice Hours:

It may be possible to earn Portfolio Practice hours for this assignment. Enter the following after the references section of your paper:

Practice Hours Completion Statement DNP-815

I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have completed (NUMBER OF) clock hours in association with the goals and objectives for this assignment. I have also tracked said practice hours in the Typhon Student Tracking System for verification purposes and will be sure that all approvals are in place from my faculty and practice mentor.

DNP 815 Week 2 Discussions

DQ 1

Define the process of theory building. Discuss the differences in approach based on inductive versus deductive reasoning. Describe how you would build and test theory in your practice area.

DQ 2

Select a nursing model or theory described in your textbook.  What are the key concepts and components of the example you selected, and how are they defined? Create an example describing the application to an area of nursing practice.


The Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project incorporates 10 key or strategic points that need to be clear, simple, correct, and aligned to ensure the project is doable, valuable, and credible. These points, which provide a guide or vision for the project, are present in almost any research. These 10 points are defined and instructions for completion of the DPI Project Milestone: Outline of 10 Strategic Points assignment are provided in “The 10 Strategic Points for the Prospectus, Proposal, and Direct Practice Improvement Project” resource.Using the table located within the Ten Strategic Points Instructions and Template document, complete the table.

DNP 815 Week 3 Discussions

DQ 1

Compare and contrast a minimum of two middle range theories and discuss potential applications in your specific area of nursing practice.

DQ 2

Conduct a literature search in the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) using the terms middle range theory, mid-range theory, and nursing. Select one of the articles where the development of the middle range theory is the major focus of the paper. Share the article citation and describe how the theory was developed.

Reflective Analysis Case Report Paper

In the realm of healthcare, individuals enter the nursing profession driven by diverse motivations. Typically, there exists a desire to engage in a stimulating and challenging career that positively impacts both individuals and societies. Those in nursing leadership also relish the freedom and additional benefits that come with their career choice. Regardless of the nurses’ educational background, skills, or specialization, their worldviews play a pivotal role in shaping their approach to daily practice. Essential aspects of care, such as the nurse-patient relationship, attitude towards health and illness, and openness to change, are contingent upon personal philosophies. This paper aims to delve into my philosophy of care, which fundamentally influences how I interpret nursing care and its core components.

Central Belief about the Individual Person

A prevalent approach among nurses is the adoption of individualized care. As outlined by Yildiz et al. (2018), individualized care places emphasis on viewing the patient as a unique individual possessing rights, values, and thoughts that must be taken into account in decision-making. I hold the belief that the individual person inherently possesses values simply by virtue of being human. Individuality extends beyond the physical realm; each person possesses a soul that impacts feelings, emotions, and other critical facets of holistic care. Given that patients come from diverse backgrounds, nurses should anticipate varying needs and perspectives. Delivering satisfactory care necessitates prioritizing individuality in decision-making.

Influence of Personal Worldview on Approach to Patients

Respecting patients as unique individuals is a cornerstone of my approach. Despite nurses possessing a deeper understanding of health and illnesses compared to patients, it is imperative to promote autonomous decision-making. This implies that nurses should guide patients on the best care options and alternatives, allowing patients to make independent decisions. This approach embodies evidence-based practice, which mandates healthcare providers to integrate clinical expertise, patient values and preferences, and scientific evidence to enhance patient care (Li et al., 2019). Nurses who advocate for individuality, recognizing the distinctiveness of each patient, also embrace the multi-dimensional nature of nursing care. Additionally, I acknowledge the significance of spirituality and other behaviors that foster healing.

The Environment and Its Constituents

The environment stands out as a critical factor influencing health and well-being. It encompasses physical, social, and cultural components, each exerting unique influences on health outcomes. The physical environment comprises elements within the patient’s immediate surroundings. Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory elucidates that physical components include air, light, nutrition, and ventilation (Gilbert, 2020). The physical environment plays a crucial role in influencing wellness, as patients need to be situated in optimal conditions for nature to act on them. The social component involves family, friends, and other sources of support and resources, guiding patients on best practices and necessary interventions for maintaining health. Family and friends also wield influence over patients’ decisions through their opinions. Broadly, the cultural environment encompasses belief systems, norms, languages, and other shared elements among communities. This necessitates nursing professionals to personalize care as much as possible.

Individual-Environment Interaction

The relationship between individuals and the environment is characterized by a symbiotic connection, signifying a close and mutually influential association. In this context, both entities exert a profound impact on each other. For example, individuals residing in clean environments experience greater safety from environmental contamination compared to those in industrial centers. Environments abundant in nutritious food contribute to the likelihood of individuals leading healthy lives. Conversely, the condition of the environment is contingent upon human activities within it, exemplified by environmental pollution adversely affecting air, water, and soil quality. Therefore, it is imperative for individuals to uphold environmental care to reap its benefits. Another dimension involves the influence of values and norms on dietary choices and attitudes toward health, with areas normalizing substance abuse often facing a higher prevalence of mental health problems.

Personal View of Health

In my perspective, every individual deserves access to quality health. Health, in this context, signifies protection from diseases and injuries, coupled with optimal functioning across physical, mental, and social dimensions. Aligning with the definition provided by the World Health Organization, health goes beyond the mere absence of diseases; a truly healthy individual must operate at full capacity to lead a fulfilling life (Larsen, 2022). Within a state of health, individuals can effectively express their emotions, make sound decisions, experience happiness, and actively participate in health promotion activities, such as maintaining active lifestyles. Consequently, the primary goal of healthcare practitioners should be health promotion, aiming to enhance people’s overall productivity and well-being.

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