Graduate Application Guide for Nurses

Graduate Application Guide for Nurses

This guide explains how to apply to graduate nursing programs. Getting a graduate degree in nursing can help nurses take on higher roles, earn more money, and become experts in nursing care. If a nurse wants to be a nurse practitioner or researcher, they need more skills to give the best care. Prospective nursing students need to know what’s needed for applying to grad programs. This guide talks about grad program requirements and what to include in applications. Learn what’s important for nursing grad program applications and what you need to apply.

Nursing Graduate Program Prerequisites

These prerequisites are common for most grad schools. Remember, each school has its own rules. You can find these on the school’s website or ask their admissions counselors.

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15 Common Courses In RN Programs

Do You Need a Nursing Bachelor’s Degree for a Nursing Grad Degree?

Some programs want you to have a nursing bachelor’s degree. Others are for RNs without a bachelor’s. Some schools offer fast programs if you have a bachelor’s in a different subject. An RN-to-MSN program is for nurses with an associate degree in nursing. Some schools also have a direct-entry MSN for those with a non-nursing bachelor’s. If you have a BSN, you’ll spend less time in grad school.

Prerequisite Classes for Grad Nursing Programs

Nursing grads need certain classes before advanced coursework.

Prerequisites usually include:

– Nursing bachelor’s degree
– Recent RN experience (sometimes)
– Statistics
– Physiology
– Microbiology
– Psychology

If you did these at a recognized school, you can use them for grad school. Some for-profit schools may not be recognized. If you went to one, check if your chosen school accepts your degree and credits. If your grad program doesn’t offer these classes, you might need to do them at another accredited college.

Is Work Experience Needed for Nursing Grad Programs?

Nursing changes a lot, and grads sometimes need more time to feel confident. That’s why some programs ask for a resume with your application. They might need work experience too.

These programs are for nurses who want to specialize. RN-to-MSN programs might need more experience. Having experience in your field helps your application. For example, if you want to be a nurse anesthetist, experience in the operating room helps. If you’re going straight to grad school after your bachelor’s, look for programs that don’t need work experience.

Do You Have to Take the GRE or the MAT for Nursing School?

Some schools want your GRE or MAT scores. If a school takes either, pick the one that works best for you, considering subjects, costs, dates, and locations. The GRE tests writing, reasoning, and math. The math is high school level, and it needs thinking skills. The MAT has 100 word questions to check your understanding.

The GRE takes four hours, the MAT takes one. The GRE costs $205, plus extra for late registration or score sending. The MAT costs around $100, depending on where you take it. Some schools don’t need an entrance exam, and others might waive it.

MAT/GRE Waiver

Some people don’t test well or don’t have time to study. They can skip the test with a waiver.

Schools might waive GRE or MAT if you have:

– High undergrad GPA
– Experience
– Previous grad degree

You can apply for a waiver by contacting your school. They have different rules but need your application and proof.

MAT Scores Breakdown

MAT scores are digital and you get unofficial results after the test. Pearson, who runs the MAT, sends official scores to three schools you choose. You also get official scores with scaled scores and percentiles. A scaled score comes from your raw score, which is the questions you got wrong. It’s between 200 and 600. Percentiles show how you did compared to others. A score of 80th percentile means you did better than 80% of people.

Nursing grad schools use scores differently. Many need around 410. Some don’t have a minimum and consider scores with the rest of your application.

How I Improved My HESI Exam Scores and Succeeded in NCLEX-RN

If you think you did badly, you can skip sending your scores to schools. Choose “do not process this score” on the screen. You won’t get a refund, but schools won’t see the low score.

Score Percentile
450-600 99th percentile
430-440 95th percentile
421-425 90th percentile
416-420 80th percentile
410-415 70th percentile
405-409 60th percentile
400-404 50th percentile

Source: Pearson Assessments

Understanding GRE Scores

GREs include three parts: verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing. Scoring is quite simple. Verbal and quantitative reasoning are multiple-choice with scores from 130-170, in one-point steps.

Analytical writing has scores from 0-6, with half-point steps. This part has two essay questions. Two readers score your nursing program entry essay, and if their scores differ by more than one point, a third reader checks. Your score is the average of these.

The average/mean scores are:

– 150.37 for Verbal Reasoning
– 153.66 for Quantitative Reasoning
– 3.6 for Analytical Writing

You also get a report showing your percentile, explained below.

GRE Scores and Percentiles

Percentiles show how your scores compare to others’. Below are tables converting raw scores to percentiles. For example, a 170 scaled score in verbal reasoning means you’re in the 99th percentile. This means you scored better than 99% of other test-takers. A 170 in quantitative reasoning means you scored better than 96% of all test-takers.

Scaled Score Verbal Reasoning Percentile Quantitative Reasoning Percentile
170 99 96
167 98 89
164 94 81
160 85 70
154 63 50school


How to Remember Important Information in Nursing School

Analytical Writing Score Percentile
6 99
5.5 98
5 91
4.5 80
4 54


Application Requirements for Nursing Graduate School

Getting into a graduate nursing program involves meeting certain requirements to ensure you’re prepared for the program and the nursing profession. These requirements include your academic achievements, like your GPA from nursing school or your previous degree, as well as recommendation letters and a personal essay. These show if you have the right qualities for nursing.


1. Almost all nursing master’s programs want official undergraduate transcripts. Usually, your previous school sends them directly to the graduate school.
2. Transcripts show if you have the needed degree (like ADN or BSN) and if you’ve taken required courses. They also give insight into your strong academic areas. Many schools consider both your overall GPA and your nursing GPA.
3. Some schools have no set minimum GPA, except if you want to skip the GRE or MAT test. Most schools with minimum GPAs ask for at least 3.0, but some selective ones want at least 3.5.

Test Scores

1. The GRE and MAT organizations send scores to schools you pick. You give each school’s code before taking the test. During registration, you enter codes for schools you want to see your scores. You can send scores to some schools for free, but after that, you pay a small fee for each.


1. A strong resume is important when applying to nursing grad school, especially if the program needs experience.
2. Resumes should be clear and easy to read. Describe past positions, focusing on skills that work for advanced nursing. Include:
– Education and training
– Experience
– Skills
– Licenses and Certifications
– Awards and accomplishments
– Volunteer work
3. If you lack experience or have gaps in your work history, add volunteer or clinical experience. You might need to explain gaps in an interview if needed.

Essays and Personal Statements

1. Nursing grad school might ask for a personal statement or an essay. Learning how to write a personal statement for nursing school can really help.
2. Your essay or personal statement is your chance to explain things or make up for weak parts of your application. So, spend time and effort on it. Make sure it’s free of errors. Clarity matters more than perfect grammar.
3. Different schools give different prompts, but most want to know your strengths and future plans. They want to see why they should accept you. Be honest and show your passion for nursing.

Letters of Recommendation

1. While your essay shows you, recommendation letters give a different perspective from colleagues and mentors. They should know you from school or work. Some schools also ask for letters about your character.
2. Avoid asking family. Choose professors or employers instead. Ask them early and give them time to write, maybe a few months.
3. They should start with stating their support for you. Then, they talk about your skills and dedication. Examples make letters stronger. You can see a good recommendation letter example from UC Berkeley.

English Proficiency Tests

1. Students from non-English-speaking countries usually need an English test. These tests show if you can follow English classes.
2. Some schools won’t give you visa papers without these scores. The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and International English Language Testing System (IELTS) are common. Check your school’s requirements.

Background Check and Drug Screening

Almost all grad nursing programs need background checks and drug screenings because students work with patients. This keeps patients and staff safe. If you’re worried, ask the school before applying.

Applying to Nursing Grad School

To advance in your nursing career, you can go to grad school. But applying takes time, so start early. Apply as soon as your documents are ready and schools accept applications. Waiting till the last minute is risky, even small issues can hurt your chances.

The steps are:

1. Finish required nursing school prerequisites
2. Get all the application stuff ready
3. Prepare for and take the GRE or MAT
4. Apply to programs
5. Get ready for interviews
6. Get acceptance or rejection letters

NursingCAS makes applying easier for some schools. It’s run by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). You can apply to many schools at once. It costs $70 for the first school and $40 for each more; this is like individual school fees. Sometimes, NursingCAS or schools might waive these fees if you can’t afford them.

Rolling Admissions

Some schools have rolling admissions, no fixed deadline. They take applications anytime. Online schools often use this because they’re more flexible. If you meet their requirements, apply right away. They review applications as they come, and you hear back quickly.

Since it’s first-come, first-served, applying when it’s less busy can help. Earlier applications might start classes sooner. Start dates vary based on the program. Regular universities usually start at the end of a semester. Shorter programs might start more often.

Rounds Admissions

Some nursing programs have rounds admissions, better for clinical schedules. They have application deadlines all year, often in fall, spring, and summer.

Each deadline has a start date. Applying in September 2021 might let you start in January or August 2022.

Undergrads might find less competition for spring and summer start dates, but this might not be true for grad nursing programs. Many applicants already work and apply all year. Choose a time that fits your schedule.

Waiting for Acceptance Letters

After applying, you’ll get a confirmation. Usually an email saying how to check the application status and how long you’ll wait for a decision. A long wait doesn’t mean a yes or no. After a while, you get a letter with acceptance, rejection, or waitlist info.

If you get into more than one program, think before deciding. Consider cost, time, distance, and the program’s focus. Waitlist means you might get in later. If you’re rejected, review your application and talk to admissions. Improve and try again for an acceptance.

FAQs About Applying to Grad Nursing School

1. What GPA is needed for nursing grad school?
– Most need a 2.75 GPA, but competitive schools want at least 3.5. But remember, other things matter too. Your test scores, recommendations, and experience also count.
2. Is grad school a must for nursing?
– Not all nursing jobs need grad degrees, but an MSN can lead to better pay and more opportunities. It’s good for specialized roles too.
3. Is it tough to get into nursing grad school?
– Some need high scores and top qualifications, but not all. Different programs fit different students.
4. How long does it take to get an MSN?
– Fastest is 4-5 years with an accelerated BSN-to-MSN program.

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