Harnessing the Benefits of Professional Nursing Organizations

Harnessing the Benefits of Professional Nursing Organizations

Professional nursing organizations present a plethora of opportunities for nurses to enhance their careers and potentially increase their earnings. By joining these associations, nurses can tap into career advancement, job prospects, networking gatherings, and advocacy efforts. If you find yourself feeling stuck in your current nursing role, you’re not alone: the 2020 Medscape Nurse Career Satisfaction Report disclosed that 33% of registered nurses (RNs) planning to transition within the nursing field due to dissatisfaction.

These professional nursing organizations furnish a wealth of resources tailored to nurses of all specialties, aimed at elevating their practice. These include certifications, continuing education programs, resume-building tools, and chances to connect with others in the field. By becoming a member of such an organization, you can often access these resources at no cost or at a discounted rate.

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Professional Nursing Associations in the US

This guide meticulously details the numerous advantages associated with professional nursing organization memberships. From job resources and advocacy endeavors to mentorships and lasting connections, these benefits can substantially enrich your nursing journey.

1. Benefit from Member Discounts and Special Offers

Joining a professional nursing organization often translates to cost savings. These associations collaborate with providers of auto and home insurance, student loan refinancing services, and pharmacies to furnish members with valuable discounts. Organizations such as the American Society of Registered Nurses (ASRN) extend member savings on entertainment venues like SeaWorld, Universal Studios, Hertz, and AMC Theatres.

Furthermore, members can enjoy reduced rates for professional liability insurance via entities such as the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) and the American Nurses Association (ANA). Additionally, companies acknowledging essential workers may offer complimentary items and exclusive deals at clothing stores and restaurants.

2. Leverage Connections and Network with Fellow Nursing Professionals

Nursing association members can cultivate both personal and professional connections. Conferences, local events, webinars, and online forums facilitate interactions with peers. Additionally, these associations host networking events that introduce members to employers across the nation and even globally. These connections have the potential to lead to job opportunities, valuable mentorship, and enduring friendships.

AACN members, for instance, enjoy reduced rates for local chapter events and the annual National Teaching Institute and Critical Care Exposition, which saw participation from 7,000 attendees in 2021. Sigma, on the other hand, facilitates the formation of local chapters worldwide, enabling nurses to engage in discussions about subjects like mental health, critical care, volunteer opportunities, and the latest evidence-based research.

3. Access Exclusive Training and Educational Resources

Professional nursing organizations offer nurses the chance to broaden their horizons and potentially increase their income through credentials, professional training, and educational courses. Many of these resources are available to members for free or at a reduced fee.

Certifications serve as evidence of specialized training, enabling nurses to advance within their current roles or transition to new healthcare areas. Possessing specialized nursing knowledge can open doors to research, administration, and education positions.

Organizations like the National Black Nurses Association (NBNA) provide continuing education courses. The AACN boasts over 300 complimentary continuing education options for members, including 30 to 60-minute webinars on subjects ranging from caring for COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit to fundamental leadership skills for nurse managers. The ASRN even offers research grants to encourage nurses to acquire expertise in evidence-based best practices.

4. Cultivate a Lifelong Mentor

A steadfast mentor in nursing can propel your career forward. Many nursing leaders attribute their success to mentorship. Mentors could be peers or seasoned nurses who offer guidance, advice, and encouragement. They often provide professional references or opportunities for advancement.

For instance, NBNA members form a community exceeding 250,000 individuals across 114 chapters in the United States, Caribbean, Canada, and West Africa. The NBNA’s mentorship initiative supports nursing graduates, professionals transitioning to new roles, and those aiming for leadership positions.

Alternatively, you can approach a fellow member in a nursing organization and request mentorship. Mentorship webinars, such as those offered by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, instruct new nurses on how to establish mentorship relationships.

5. Propel Your Nursing Career

Membership in nursing associations can grant you early access to job openings. These organizations maintain job boards and publish newsletters highlighting nationwide nursing positions. Moreover, local chapters and conventions often serve as platforms to learn about new employment opportunities through word-of-mouth.

Job development resources prepare nurses for career transitions. Members gain access to interview preparation resources, free resume guides, and advice on salary negotiation.

Being a member of a professional organization enhances your resume and showcases your active involvement in healthcare. Similar to a professional nursing organization, your college alumni network can offer both career and social prospects.

6. Stay Informed Ahead of the Curve

Nursing organizations grant members early access to the latest research, news, and advancements in the field. These associations frequently disseminate healthcare updates exclusively to members.

Members remain abreast of nursing news through newsletters and direct communications addressing healthcare matters, survey findings, and policy initiatives.

Membership dues often encompass complimentary subscriptions to premier industry peer-reviewed journals featuring research articles and nursing-related updates. Organizations offer both digital and print journals, such as the Journal of the National Black Nurses Association, American Journal of Critical Care, Critical Care Nurse, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, and American Nurse Journal.

7. Influence Healthcare Policy and Foster the Nursing Profession

How can

you influence policy change? Through participation in a professional nursing organization, you can voice your opinions on laws and policies impacting nursing. These associations also monitor policies and bring attention to pertinent healthcare concerns.

Given their connections to lawmakers and healthcare leaders, these organizations offer members the opportunity to engage with representatives on both national and local levels. Advocacy initiatives, often highlighted by the organizations, may encompass staffing challenges, COVID-19 care, equity, and diversity. Many associations collaborate with other nursing and physician groups, amplifying their impact.

Engaging in advocacy work can imbue your nursing career with greater significance and enable you to advocate for your patients.

Seize the Opportunity

Becoming a member of a professional nursing organization comes with a cost and a time commitment. Typically, nurses shoulder the membership fees, though many consider this an investment in their future. If you choose to join, ensure you make the most of the resources and benefits outlined above, ensuring you derive optimal value from your investment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Nursing Organizations

1. How do nurses benefit from professional nursing organizations?

Professional nursing organizations provide essential support for career advancement. They offer opportunities for professional development, conferences, webinars, and supply discounts. These associations also facilitate connections with other healthcare professionals and enable engagement in advocacy and leadership work at local and national levels.

2. Which nursing organization should I consider joining?

The choice of a professional nursing organization can be overwhelming. Begin by evaluating the membership benefits, such as access to free continuing education courses, peer support, and member-exclusive discounts. Additionally, consider the organization’s policy initiatives. Your decision should align with your priorities. You might opt for an organization specific to your nursing specialty or one that advocates for underrepresented voices. Some potential options include:

– The American Nurses Association (ANA), founded in 1896, representing approximately 4 million RNs.
– The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), the largest specialty nursing organization with over 130,000 members.
– Sigma, established in 1922, boasting a membership exceeding 135,000 across more than 100 countries.

3. Are there any downsides to joining a professional organization?

While professional nursing organizations demand membership fees, the benefits far outweigh the costs. Discounts on certifications, insurance, and career resources make joining a professional nursing association a worthwhile investment. Though nurses typically bear the membership fees themselves, these expenses are relatively small compared to the benefits gained.

4. How crucial is it to join professional nursing organizations?

Joining a professional nursing organization can expand your network both within and beyond your college alumni associations and workplaces. With members spread across the globe, these organizations provide robust career support and facilitate resource sharing, including the latest research and best practices in nursing.

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