LDR 615 Change Initiative: Creating Vision

LDR 615 Change Initiative: Creating Vision

How Vision would Help Stakeholders to Support Change Initiative

The vision would assist stakeholders to support the change initiative by painting the picture of what the organization will look like following the adoption of EMR to help in reimbursement. A sophisticated vision would convince stakeholders on the need to abandon the past practices and adopt the new changes. The vision also establishes a reasonable and appealing portrait of the future and guides the organization in decision making. On the other hand, the potential considerations posed by stakeholders include determination to know how EMR implementation is practicable and desirable in informing best decision making for reimbursements. Consequently, the best response is to develop a compelling message to stakeholders proving that the future with EMR is a desirable place to venture.

In a written paper of 1,250-1,500 words, evaluate the current forces driving change in your field or industry. As a leader, or considering the role of a leader, assess your organization and evaluate how well it is responding to the forces, and identify where there is a need for change. Develop a vision to inspire this change. Include the following:

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  • Describe your organization, include the organization’s mission, and identify the various stakeholders.
  • Identify the external and internal forces that drive organizational change in your field or industry. Explain the origin or reason for these internal or external driving forces. Explain how these forces directly affect the viability of your organization.
  • Choose one of the driving forces. Describe the specific issues this driving force creates, or will potentially create, for your organization or department.
  • Propose the steps needed for your organization or department to respond to this driving force.
  • Predict how employees at various levels in the organization will respond to your proposed change initiative.
  • Develop a vision for change. Describe how this vision correlates with the organization’s mission, and how you will present this vision to internal stakeholders.
  • Predict how you think your vision will assist internal stakeholders in supporting the change initiative. Identify potential considerations posed by stakeholders, and discuss how you will respond.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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The Organization, Its Mission, and Stakeholders

Located in Los Angeles, Barlow Medical Center is dedicated to improving patient health outcomes through a clear mission and vision. Their staff is committed to embracing health initiatives, and the hospital is an integral part of the community health network. The mission of Barlow Medical Center is to facilitate lifelong health for patients, while the vision aims to build enduring relationships that transform healthcare delivery in the community. The core values at Barlow Medical Center revolve around respect, integrity, accountability, safety, merit, and innovation. The organization’s stakeholders encompass a wide spectrum, including patients, the local community, the workforce, healthcare providers, the health network, and the broader healthcare system.

Forces Driving Organizational Change: Internal and External

Barlow Medical Center is currently facing a dual set of forces propelling organizational change. These forces can be categorized into external and internal factors. External forces comprise competition, economic conditions, resource availability, technological advancements, healthcare reimbursement structures, and political and societal factors (Borkowski, 2016). In contrast, internal forces originate from within the organization and are primarily concerned with its internal operations. These internal forces include declining performance, controversies, reduced job satisfaction, the introduction of new leadership, and the adoption of novel missions. Internal forces are typically triggered when there is a disruption in the organization’s established culture, which can have far-reaching implications for its viability (Borkowski, 2016). Similarly, external forces stem from environmental factors beyond the organization’s control. For instance, economic fluctuations can lead to reduced healthcare utilization, affecting Barlow Medical Center’s operations, growth, and long-term sustainability.

The Chosen Driving Force: Changes in Healthcare Reimbursement

The selected driving force for change is the shifting landscape of healthcare reimbursement. Currently, the cost of healthcare in the United States is consistently on the rise, while healthcare coverage has yet to reach its intended targets. Changes in reimbursement methods have altered how patients pay for health services (Burwell, 2015). Traditionally, health insurance covered the costs of care, but individuals without coverage, often economically disadvantaged, struggle to afford the escalating healthcare expenses. This necessitates the adoption of quality improvement standards within the healthcare industry to meet the requirements of patient-centered health plans and the implementation of policies relating to quality and safety. These measures aim to assist hospitals like Barlow Medical Center in improving efficiency and healthcare outcomes (Burwell, 2015). However, despite concerted efforts by healthcare providers to collaborate with various stakeholders to enhance patient care, Barlow Medical Center faces challenges in delivering satisfactory healthcare services and enhancing healthcare quality due to rising costs.

These changes in reimbursement significantly influence how Barlow Medical Center’s management makes decisions. Immediate effects are evident, as the hospital is frequently compelled to take substantial risks in patient care management and faces reimbursement cuts. Various reimbursement rates exist for different programs, such as private insurance, Medicaid, and Medicare, affecting decisions on admission possibilities, length of hospital stays, the extent of care, and patient outcomes. Balancing the goal of improving healthcare quality with the ongoing risk of reimbursement changes poses a substantial challenge for the hospital’s normal operations. Nevertheless, more efficient reimbursement methods would enable Barlow Medical Center to enhance its performance and achieve positive patient outcomes.

Responding to Reimbursement as a Driving Force

One effective response to the reimbursement issue at Barlow Medical Center is to expand the role of electronic medical records (EMR) to inform reimbursement decisions (Britton, 2015). Healthcare reimbursement relies on various payment methods with varying degrees of effectiveness. Regardless of whether these methods are used independently or in combination, the system should ideally reward based on the complexity and quality of care provided (Britton, 2015). Given that Barlow Medical Center serves a large number of patients, it is also reasonable to reward based on the quantity of care provided. Consequently, expanding the role of EMRs to assess healthcare provider practices, patient responses to care, and the organization’s overall functioning has the potential to improve the accuracy of reimbursement mechanisms and enhance the delivery of high-quality healthcare services.

Employee Responses to the Introduction of EMR

The introduction of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) at Barlow Medical Center is expected to elicit a range of responses from employees at different levels of the organization. Senior employees and administrative staff are likely to embrace EMR enthusiastically, recognizing its potential to inform reimbursement decisions effectively. In contrast, employees in lower-level positions may respond differently, with some readily accepting the change and others expressing resistance. Resistance to change is a common phenomenon, often stemming from employees’ inherent aversion to change. This resistance may manifest among various groups, including support staff, clinicians, stakeholders, and board members.

Moreover, employees might be reluctant to accept EMR due to ethical and legal concerns associated with the system, such as the potential exposure of patients’ personal information and its potential misuse in discriminatory reimbursement decisions. Additionally, concerns about the security vulnerabilities of EMR can raise privacy risks for applicants, leaving employees exposed to the possibility of legal actions. As such, the implementation process of EMR must be accompanied by a robust promotion and awareness plan to foster acceptance and positivity across all levels of employment. The goal is to help employees understand that this change will ultimately lead to a more effective reimbursement model, improved quality of care, and better patient outcomes.

Formulating a Vision for Change

To establish a clear vision for the implementation of EMR, Barlow Medical Center will follow Kotter’s Eight-Step Model for leading change as a guiding framework. This model encompasses several crucial steps, including creating a sense of urgency, forming a guiding coalition, developing a change vision and strategy, communicating the vision, removing barriers, establishing short-term wins, building on the change, and anchoring the change in corporate culture (Chappell et al., 2016). In this context, the focus is on the development of the change vision.

Initially, the responsibility of setting the direction for the organization’s future lies with the leadership of Barlow Medical Center. The leadership team must take charge of establishing a comprehensive description of the change and its associated strategy. Once this initial description is in place, the guiding coalition, comprising key stakeholders, will step in to refine the draft. The coalition will utilize a range of pertinent data sources to further shape the vision and strategy. At this juncture, it is imperative to involve employees to gather their input.

Once this collaborative process is complete, the leadership and guiding coalition will work to crystallize the change vision by identifying the areas of change, setting clear and practical benchmarks for measuring success, and ensuring alignment with the long-term interests of all stakeholders. A compelling depiction of the future that is both rational and appealing will significantly enhance the likelihood of success for the change initiative. Finally, following the completion of this step, the leadership and guiding coalition will communicate the change vision to all stakeholders within the organization.

The implementation of EMR aligns with Barlow Medical Center’s overarching vision to establish enduring relationships by transforming the delivery of health and healthcare services in the local community. This transformation is facilitated through various aspects of patient care, including the ability for patients to access their medical records, schedule appointments with providers, communicate seamlessly with healthcare professionals, and renew prescriptions. These enhancements not only contribute to cost savings in care provision but also reduce reimbursement fees, particularly benefiting uninsured patients.

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