Liam Fitzgerald Telehealth Follow Up Sick Visit Shadow Health Transcript: Management of Cardiovascular Conditions Patient

Liam Fitzgerald Telehealth Follow Up Sick Visit Shadow Health Transcript: Management of Cardiovascular Conditions Patient

Liam Fitzgerald.Host: Hi, I’m here to talk to you and check on your health.
Liam Fitzgerald: Hello.
Host: Can you hear me?
Liam Fitzgerald: Yes, I can hear you clearly.
Host: Are you in a good place for our telehealth visit?
Liam Fitzgerald: Yes, this is a suitable spot for our conversation.
Host: Do you understand that our conversation is private and confidential?
Liam Fitzgerald: Yes, I understand that this visit is confidential.
Host: What’s the reason for today’s visit?
Liam Fitzgerald: I’m here for my regular telehealth check-up. I’m feeling fine.
Host: When was your last hospital visit?

Liam Fitzgerald: I was last in the hospital six months ago due to my heart issues.
Host: When were you diagnosed with heart failure?
Liam Fitzgerald: I was diagnosed with heart failure about two years ago.
Host: Do you know what symptoms you’re currently experiencing?
Liam Fitzgerald: I don’t have any symptoms at the moment. I’m just here for a follow-up.
Host: Are you taking any medications?
Liam Fitzgerald: Yes, I’m on several medications for my heart, including carvedilol, candesartan, spironolactone, and aspirin. I also have some as-needed medications like furosemide, potassium chloride, and nitroglycerin. For cholesterol, I take atorvastatin and fish oil.

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Host: What are the dosages of your medications?

Liam Fitzgerald: I have different dosages for my regular heart medications, so we can go through that list. Carvedilol is 12.5 milligrams, candesartan is 32 milligrams, spironolactone is 12.5 milligrams, and aspirin is an 81 mg EC tablet. As for cholesterol, atorvastatin is 40 mg, and fish oil is 1000 mg, and I take both daily.

Host: Can you tell me about your medical history?

Liam Fitzgerald: I’ve had heart failure for a while. I also have coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and I had a heart attack some time ago.

Host: When were you diagnosed with coronary artery disease?

Liam Fitzgerald: I found out about my coronary artery disease when I had my heart attack five years ago.

Host: When were you diagnosed with high blood pressure?

Liam Fitzgerald: I’ve had high blood pressure for a while. I was diagnosed at 38 but didn’t manage it well back then. It’s under control now.

Host: How do you manage your blood pressure?

Liam Fitzgerald: I’m on a few heart medicines, but carvedilol is the one I take for my blood pressure.

Host: Do you have a family history of heart problems?

Liam Fitzgerald: Yes, heart issues run in my family. My mom has high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and my dad passed away at 75 from a heart condition. He also had high blood pressure and had open-heart surgery.

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Host: What’s your typical diet like?

Liam Fitzgerald: I follow a low-sodium diet as best as I can. For breakfast, I have oatmeal with berries. Lunch is often homemade soup or pasta with grilled chicken and veggies. Sometimes I have a salad. Dinner consists of fish or grilled chicken, more veggies, and brown rice. If I snack, it’s usually air-popped, no-salt popcorn or an apple with no-salt almond butter.

Host: That’s a healthy diet.

Liam Fitzgerald: Yes, it’s what I need to do.

Host: Do you engage in any physical activity?

Liam Fitzgerald: I practice tai chi regularly.

Host: That’s great. Physical activity is good for your health.

Liam Fitzgerald: I’ll keep it up.

Host: Do you have any allergies?

Liam Fitzgerald: No, I don’t have any allergies.

Host: Are your immunizations up to date?

Liam Fitzgerald: I believe they are.

Host: Do you ever miss taking your medications?

Liam Fitzgerald: No, I’m pretty good at taking my medicines.

Host: That’s important for managing your health.

Liam Fitzgerald: I understand.

Host: Have you ever had a heart attack?

Liam Fitzgerald: Yes, I had a heart attack five years ago.

Host: Can you tell me more about the symptoms you experienced during your heart attack?

Liam Fitzgerald: The main thing I remember is intense discomfort in my chest.

Host: Have you had any recent hospitalizations?

Liam Fitzgerald: I’ve been to the hospital a few times. Besides the heart attack five years ago, I had issues with my heart two years ago, which led to a diagnosis of heart failure. And six months ago, I was back in the hospital due to my heart.

Host: How does your heart condition affect you?

Liam Fitzgerald: Most of the time, it doesn’t affect me. I’m usually asymptomatic.

Host: Do you drink alcohol?

Liam Fitzgerald: Yes, I do, but not very often these days, mostly on special occasions. I used to have one or two beers nightly, but I cut down after my heart attack. Sometimes, I have non-alcoholic drinks, but I prefer the real thing if I’m going to drink.

Host: Drinking too much alcohol is not good for your health.

Liam Fitzgerald: I understand.

Host: Do you smoke?

Liam Fitzgerald: I used to smoke.

Host: When did you quit smoking?

Liam Fitzgerald: I quit after my heart attack. I still get cravings, so I use nicotine gum.

Host: Smoking is not good for your health.

Liam Fitzgerald: I get it.

Host: Have you ever had an EKG test?

Liam Fitzgerald: Yes, they did an EKG and an echocardiogram when I was hospitalized six months ago for heart failure.

Host: Do you know your blood pressure number?

Liam Fitzgerald: Today, it was 155 over 95. A bit higher than usual.

Host: Have you lost weight recently?

Liam Fitzgerald: No, I’ve actually gained some.

Host: Gaining weight can worsen your heart problems.

Liam Fitzgerald: I understand.

Host: How much weight have you gained?

Liam Fitzgerald: About four or five pounds.

Host: Have you experienced any swelling?

Liam Fitzgerald: Yes, I have some swelling, mainly in my feet and ankles.

Host: Do you have chest pain?

Liam Fitzgerald: No, my chest hasn’t been hurting.

Host: Any palpitations?

Liam Fitzgerald: I haven’t had any palpitations.

Host: What do you think caused your recent weight gain?

Liam Fitzgerald: I’m not sure, really.

Host: Have you been eating more?

Liam Fitzgerald: My appetite is about the same as usual.

Host: Are you monitoring your heart condition?

Liam Fitzgerald: I do have some swelling right now, and I have several heart conditions, including coronary artery disease, heart failure, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and a past heart attack.

Host: Do you consume caffeine?

Liam Fitzgerald: I drink decaf.

Host: How often do you exercise?

Liam Fitzgerald: I practice tai chi three times a week.

Host: Any skin problems?

Liam Fitzgerald: My skin is normal, no issues.


Are you experiencing fatigue?

Liam Fitzgerald: I’m feeling fine and not tired.

Host: What was your occupation?

Liam Fitzgerald: I’m retired now, but I used to work as a truck driver for the postal service.

Host: What’s your living situation?

Liam Fitzgerald: I live in a one-story house with my daughter Claire, her husband Mark, and my grandson, Callum.

Host: Any urination issues?

Liam Fitzgerald: No issues, but I do wake up at night to urinate.

Host: Any weakness?

Liam Fitzgerald: I’m not super strong, but I’m not experiencing any significant weakness.

Host: Any breathing problems?

Liam Fitzgerald: I haven’t had any breathing issues.

Host: Are you sexually active?

Liam Fitzgerald: Yes, everything is okay in that department with my partner, Susan.

Host: Can you adjust your camera to show your ankles?

Liam Fitzgerald: Sure, let me do that.

Host: Inspected left ankle: There’s edema present in both ankles without redness or streaking.

Host: Inspected right ankle: Edema is present in both ankles without redness or streaking.

Host: Can you press your finger into the inner bony part of your ankle and hold for 1-2 seconds?

Liam Fitzgerald: Alright, let me move the camera again.

Host: Palpated right ankle: On palpation, there is 1+ pitting edema bilaterally without tenderness or warmth.

Host: Palpated left ankle: On palpation, there is 1+ pitting edema bilaterally without tenderness or warmth.

Host: I’d like to educate you about your medications.

Liam Fitzgerald: That sounds good.

Host: Maintain normal activity levels, but stop exercising if you experience chest pain.

Liam Fitzgerald: I’ll stop exercising and contact my cardiologist if I get chest pain.

Host: Stick to a fluid volume restriction of 1.5 liters per day.

Liam Fitzgerald: I’m good at following my fluid restrictions.

Host: Avoid drinking alcohol.

Liam Fitzgerald: I’ll lay off the alcohol.

Host: Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages.

Liam Fitzgerald: Alright, I’ll be cautious even with decaf.

Host: Maintain a diet with lean meat, whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables, and use spices instead of salt for seasoning.

Liam Fitzgerald: That’s a smart choice. I’ll do that.

Host: Ask your provider for a referral to a clinical dietitian.

Liam Fitzgerald: That’s a good tip.

Host: Adhere to your low-sodium diet and pay attention to labels to avoid high-sodium foods.

Liam Fitzgerald: I’ll check food labels carefully for sodium content.

Host: Be mindful of symptoms that indicate a worsening condition and take your diuretic as directed.

Liam Fitzgerald: I’ll watch for symptoms and take the medication as needed.

Host: Set a timer for 30 minutes after experiencing symptoms before taking furosemide and potassium chloride.

Liam Fitzgerald: I’ll make sure to wait for 30 minutes.

Host: Test for swelling by performing a pitting edema test.

Liam Fitzgerald: I’ll watch for swelling and be cautious.

Host: Be alert for fatigue.

Liam Fitzgerald: I’ll be aware of any fatigue.

Host: Look out for signs of fluid overload, such as weight gain and fatigue during activity.

Liam Fitzgerald: I’ll be vigilant and monitor for these symptoms.

Host: If your condition worsens, go to the hospital.

Liam Fitzgerald: I’ll definitely go if my condition gets worse.

Host: Follow up with your cardiologist.

Liam Fitzgerald: I’ll call my cardiologist if needed.

Host: Set reminders for taking your medications.

Liam Fitzgerald: I’ll let my girlfriend and daughter know about the reminders.

Host: If you take medications as needed, your girlfriend and daughter can remind you.

Liam Fitzgerald: Those are good suggestions. Thank you.

Host: Take furosemide with potassium chloride to maintain adequate potassium.

Liam Fitzgerald: I’ll make sure to do that.

Host: Take the furosemide with potassium chloride tablet for edema, even if the swelling is minor.

Liam Fitzgerald: I will follow that advice.

Host: Be watchful for symptoms indicating a worsening condition.

Liam Fitzgerald: I’ll keep an eye out for when to take those medications.

Host: Thanks for listening, and take care.

Liam Fitzgerald: Thank you for your help.

Liam Fitzgerald Telehealth Follow Up Sick Visit Shadow Health Transcript: Management of Cardiovascular Conditions Patient

Hi, my name is xx and I will interview you and later examine you

04/20/23 5:41 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Hi there.
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Can you hear me?

04/20/23 5:41 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Yeah, I can hear you clearly.
Your Avatar.
Are you in an appropriate environment for a telehealth visit?

04/20/23 5:42 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
This is a fine place for us to talk.
Your Avatar.
Do you understand that this telehealth visit is confidential?

04/20/23 5:43 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Yup, I understand that this visit is private and confidential. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
Your Avatar.
What brings you here today?

04/20/23 5:44 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I’m OK, just here for my regular telehealth follow-up.
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When was your last hospital visit?

04/20/23 5:47 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Six months ago I was in the hospital for my heart failure symptoms.
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When were you diagnosed with heart failure?

04/20/23 5:48 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I was diagnosed with heart failure . . . two years ago now.
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What symptoms do you currently have? (Clarified to Do you know what symptoms are you experiencing?.)

04/20/23 5:48 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I don’t really have any symptoms, just here for my follow-up. I’m doing OK. (Clarified to if I know what my symptoms are.)
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Are you using any medications?

04/20/23 5:49 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
My regular heart meds are carvedilol, candesartan, spironolactone, and an aspirin. I have some heart meds that I take as needed too — furosemide, a potassium chloride tablets, and nitroglycerin. For my cholesterol I take atorvastatin and some fish oil.
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What are the dosages of your medications?

04/20/23 5:50 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
We’re going to have to go down the list since I have regular heart medications, as needed heart medications, and cholesterol medications.
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What is the dosage of your heart medications?

04/20/23 5:51 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
The carvedilol is 12.5 milligrams, the candesartan is 32 milligrams, the spironolactone is 12.5 milligrams, and the aspirin is an 81 mg EC tablet. And then I take some as needed heart failure medications.
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What is the dosage of your cholesterol medications?

04/20/23 5:53 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Hm, let’s see. I take the atorvastatin — it’s 40 mg — and the omega-3 fatty acid fish oil, it’s 1000 mg. I take them both everyday.
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What is your medical history?

04/20/23 5:53 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
That’s a long list, let’s see . . . Well I have heart failure, that’s the big one. And I have coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and I had a heart attack a while back.
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When were you diagnosed with coronary artery disease?

04/20/23 5:55 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I was diagnosed with it five years ago, at the time of my heart attack.
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When were you diagnosed with high blood pressure?

04/20/23 5:55 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I’ve had high blood pressure for some time now. I was diagnosed at 38 but didn’t try to manage it much. It’s better now though.
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What do you use for your high blood pressure? (Clarified to How do you control your blood pressure?.)

04/20/23 5:56 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I’m on a few heart medicines, but the carvedilol is the one for blood pressure. (Clarified to how I control my blood pressure.)
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Any family history pf heart problems?

04/20/23 5:57 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Yeah, heart issues run in the family. Mom’s alive, but she has high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Dad passed at 75 from a heart thing, not sure what it was, and he also had high blood pressure . . . oh and he had open heart surgery too.
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What is your diet like? Liam Fitzgerald Telehealth Follow Up Sick Visit Shadow Health Transcript: Management of Cardiovascular Conditions Patient

04/20/23 5:58 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Well I’m on a low-sodium diet and I try to follow it. For breakfast I have oatmeal with some berries. Lunch is usually some soup, I try to do homemade ones, or some pasta with grilled chicken and vegetables. I’ll have a salad sometimes. Dinner is some fish or grilled chicken with some more vegetables, and some brown rice. If I want a snack, it’s air popped, no salt popcorn, or an apple with no salt almond butter. It’s not very exciting, but it’s what I need to do.
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Great. healthy diet is good for your health

04/20/23 5:58 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
OK, thanks.
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Do you exercise?

04/20/23 5:59 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Yeah, I exercise regularly. I do tai chi.
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Great. Exercise is good for your health Liam Fitzgerald Telehealth Follow Up Sick Visit Shadow Health Transcript: Management of Cardiovascular Conditions Patient

04/20/23 5:59 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Got it. Thanks.
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Any allergies?

04/20/23 5:59 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
No, I don’t have allergies.
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Are your immunizations current?

04/20/23 6:00 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I believe I’m up to date.
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Have you missed any medications? (Clarified to Do you miss doses of your medication?.)

04/20/23 6:00 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
No. I’m good about taking my medicine. (Clarified to if I miss doses of my medication.)
Your Avatar.
Great, it is good to take medications as prescribed

04/20/23 6:01 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Your Avatar.
have you ever had a heart attack?

04/20/23 6:01 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Yes, I have had a heart attack.
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When did you last have a heart attack?

04/20/23 6:02 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
My heart attack was five years ago.
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What are the symptoms of your heart attack?

04/20/23 6:03 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
The main thing I remember was really intense discomfort in my chest.
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Any history of hospitalizations?

04/20/23 6:03 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I’ve had a few hospital stays. Five years ago I had a heart attack and they did surgery. Two years ago I had some issues with my heart and went back in and they diagnosed me with heart failure. Six months ago was the most recent time, my heart again. I wasn’t feeling great, but they took care of me and I was OK.
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How have heart problems affected your life? (Clarified to How does your heart failure affect you?.)

04/20/23 6:04 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
It doesn’t, really — it’s asymptomatic most of the time. (Clarified to how my heart failure affects me.)
Your Avatar.
Do you drink?

04/20/23 6:05 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Yeah, I drink some.
Your Avatar.
How often do you drink?

04/20/23 6:05 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I don’t really drink very often these days, just on special occasions. I used to have one or two beers a night, but I had to cut down after my heart attack. I’ll have that non-alcoholic stuff sometimes, it’s not half bad, but I’d just rather stick with the real thing if I’m going to have a drink.
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Too much alcohol consumption is not good for your health

04/20/23 6:08 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Alright then. Thanks.
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Do you smoke

04/20/23 6:08 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I used to smoke.
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When did you last smoke?

04/20/23 6:10 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I quit smoking after my heart attack. I still get cravings though so I use the nicotine gum.
Your Avatar.
Great. Smoking is not good for your health

04/20/23 6:10 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Ah, I see.
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Have you ever had an EKG test?

04/20/23 6:11 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Yeah, when I was hospitalized six months ago for heart failure stuff, they did an EKG and an echocardiogram.
Your Avatar.
What is your blood pressure number? (Clarified to Do you know your blood pressure number?.)

04/20/23 6:12 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Today it was 155 over 95. A little higher than normal. (Clarified to if I know my blood pressure number.)
Your Avatar.
Any weight issues? (Clarified to Have you lost weight?.)

04/20/23 6:14 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
No, I’ve actually gained some. (Clarified to if I have lost weight.)
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Gaining weight will only worsen your heart problems

04/20/23 6:15 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Got it. Thanks.
Your Avatar.
How much weight have you gained?

04/20/23 6:16 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
About four or five pounds.
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Any swelling?

04/20/23 6:16 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Yeah, I have some swelling right now.
Your Avatar.
Where is the swelling located?

04/20/23 6:17 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
In my feet and ankles.
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Any chest pain?

04/20/23 6:18 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
No, my chest hasn’t been hurting.
Your Avatar.
Any palpitations?

04/20/23 6:19 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I don’t have any palpitations at all.
Your Avatar.
What caused our weight gain?

04/20/23 6:20 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I don’t know, really.
Your Avatar.
Have you been eating more? (Clarified to Is your appetite fine?.)

04/20/23 6:20 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
My appetite’s been the same, pretty normal. [AUDIO COMING SOON] (Clarified to if my appetite is okay.)
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Do you monitor your heart problems? (Clarified to What heart problems do you have?.) Liam Fitzgerald Telehealth Follow Up Sick Visit Shadow Health Transcript: Management of Cardiovascular Conditions Patient

04/20/23 6:21 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I have a little swelling right now, if that counts. If you mean what heart conditions I have — I have coronary artery disease, heart failure, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and I had a heart attack. (Clarified to what heart problems I have.)
Your Avatar.
Do you take caffeine?

04/20/23 6:23 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I drink decaf.
Your Avatar.
How often do you exercise?

04/20/23 6:23 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I do tai chi three times a week.
Your Avatar.
Any skin problems?

04/20/23 6:24 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
No, my skin is normal, same as ever.
Your Avatar.
Any fatigue?

04/20/23 6:24 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I’m feeling OK — not tired.
Your Avatar.
What is your occupation?

04/20/23 6:25 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I’m retired now, but I worked as a truck driver for the postal service.
Your Avatar.
What is your living situation?

04/20/23 6:25 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
My home environment is good. I live in a one-story house with my daughter Claire, her husband Mark, and my grandson, Callum.
Your Avatar.
Any urination issues?

04/20/23 6:26 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
No issues with going to the bathroom, but I do wake up needing to pee at night.
Your Avatar.
Any weakness?

04/20/23 6:26 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I’m no Thor, but I can still open pickle jars when needed.
Your Avatar.
Any breathing problems?

04/20/23 6:26 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I haven’t had any issues with my breathing.
Your Avatar.
Are you sexually active?

04/20/23 6:27 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Yeah, things are just fine in the bedroom with my lady, Susan.
Your Avatar.
move the camera so your ankles are visible on the screen

04/20/23 6:29 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Sure, hold on, let me move this thing.
Your Avatar.
 Inspected left ankle: Edema is present on inspection of bilateral ankles without erythema or streaking

Exam Action
04/20/23 6:29 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Inspected right ankle: Edema is present on inspection of bilateral ankles without erythema or streaking Liam Fitzgerald Telehealth Follow Up Sick Visit Shadow Health Transcript: Management of Cardiovascular Conditions Patient

Exam Action
04/20/23 6:29 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
move the camera so your ankles are visible on the screen, press your finger into the inner boney part of the ankle and hold for 1-2 seconds.

04/20/23 6:41 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Sure, hold on, let me move this thing.
Your Avatar.
 Palpated right ankle: On palpation, there is 1+ pitting edema bilaterally without tenderness or warmth to palpation

Exam Action
04/20/23 6:41 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Palpated left ankle: On palpation, there is 1+ pitting edema bilaterally without tenderness or warmth to palpation

Exam Action
04/20/23 6:41 PM EDT

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Hello. I am going to educate you about your medications

04/20/23 7:33 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Sounds good.
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maintain normal activity level, bur discontinue exercise if you experience chest pain

04/20/23 7:34 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
That sounds good. I’ll stop exercising and call the cardiologist if I get symptoms.
Your Avatar.
Adhere to a fluid volume restriction of 1.5 L per day

04/20/23 7:35 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Will do. I am very good about my fluid restrictions.
Your Avatar.
Avoid drinking alcohol

04/20/23 7:35 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Alright, I’ll lay off the alcohol.
Your Avatar.
Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages

04/20/23 7:36 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
OK, no caffeine, but is decaf fine?
Your Avatar.

04/20/23 7:36 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Sounds good, I’ll be careful even with decaf.
Your Avatar.
Eat lean meat, whole grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables and season your food with spices instead of salt

04/20/23 7:37 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
That’s a smart trick. OK, I’ll do that.
Your Avatar.
Ask your provider for a referral to a clinical dietitian

04/20/23 7:38 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
OK, that’s a good tip.
Your Avatar.
Adhere to your low-sodium diet, and pay attention to labels to avoid foods high in sodium

04/20/23 7:40 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Sounds good. I’ll avoid those high-sodium foods, but what foods should I look at the labels for again?
Your Avatar.
All foods

04/20/23 7:41 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Alright, I’ll be careful to read all the labels then.
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After consuming a meal high in sodium, watch for signs and symptoms of a worsening condition and take your diuretic as directed.

04/20/23 7:43 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
That sounds like a plan . . . but how long should I wait after experiencing symptoms before I take the furosemide and potassium chloride?
Your Avatar.
30 minutes

04/20/23 7:43 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
OK, I’ll watch out for those signs and symptoms carefully.
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Test for swelling by performing a pitting edema test

04/20/23 7:44 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I’ll look out for that, then . . . though, how do I know if the swelling is related to my CHF and not something else, like standing for long time?
Your Avatar.
Watch out for fatigue

04/20/23 7:46 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
OK, that’s good to know.
Your Avatar.
Look out for signs of fluid overload, like weight gain, fatigue during activity

04/20/23 7:47 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I’ll look out for symptoms.
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Go to the hospital if your condition worsens Liam Fitzgerald Telehealth Follow Up Sick Visit Shadow Health Transcript: Management of Cardiovascular Conditions Patient

04/20/23 7:48 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I definitely will.
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Follow up with your cardiologist

04/20/23 7:49 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I’ll call my cardiologist if that happens.
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Set a reminder for your medications

04/20/23 7:49 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Alright. I’ll let my girlfriend and my daughter know . . . but if I take the medication as needed, how will I know if I need a reminder?
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You girlfriend and daughter can remind you to take your medications

04/20/23 7:51 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Thanks, those are good suggestions.
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Take furosemide with the potassium chloride to maintain adequate potassium

04/20/23 7:52 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I’ll do that, then.
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Take the furosemide with potassium chloride tablet for edema even if you have minor swelling

04/20/23 7:53 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
I will!
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Beware of symptoms that indicate worsening condition

04/20/23 7:54 PM EDT

Liam Fitzgerald.
Sounds good. I’ll keep an eye out for when to take those meds.
Your Avatar.
Thanks for listening, Goodbye

04/20/23 7:55 PM EDT

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Liam Fitzgerald.
Alright. Thank you for your help. Liam Fitzgerald Telehealth Follow Up Sick Visit Shadow Health Transcript: Management of Cardiovascular Conditions Patient

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