PLAs for Nursing Students: Get College Credit for Your Experience

PLAs for Nursing Students: Get College Credit for Your Experience

If you’re studying nursing, you can speed up the time it takes to finish your degree by getting credit for your previous work experience. This guide explains how to use your past learning to your advantage. Getting a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) can be expensive and take more than three years to complete. However, nursing students can save time and money by earning college credits for work training or other non-academic experiences they’ve had before.

To get credit for prior learning assessment (PLA), nursing students have to show how the knowledge and skills they gained from previous experiences match college-level courses. Most schools require at least two years of work experience as a registered nurse (RN) to qualify for PLA credit.

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Coping with Loss as a Nursing Student

Nursing students can choose from these four PLA options:

1. Creating a portfolio that shows they’ve mastered certain subjects, which is reviewed by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning or nursing school faculty.

2. Taking a standardized subject test offered by organizations like the College Board’s College Level Examination or Advanced Placement Examination.

3. Completing challenge exams made by nursing programs to test the content of specific courses.

4. Getting credit for job, volunteer, or military training recognized by the American Council on Education (ACE) or the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS).

According to research published in Nursing Education Perspectives, a large number of nursing students see PLAs as a flexible and affordable choice that can lead to higher graduation rates compared to students without PLA. Students with PLA tend to finish their degree faster and save on their education costs.

Using PLAs in Nursing School

Nursing students can earn credit for prior learning from various experiences like work, military training, research, or volunteering. However, not all experiences count for PLAs. Nursing schools use PLA methods to make sure students have the knowledge needed for RN-BSN course requirements.

One common PLA used in nursing programs is individual assessment of experience. Here, students prepare a portfolio for college credit based on their work experience and non-credit learning. The portfolio shows how these experiences match the content of college-level courses.

Another popular PLA is the non-college education and training evaluation method. It assesses job, volunteer, and military training to see if they’re equal to college credit. The ACE or NCCRS do these evaluations, or schools might work with employers, like hospitals, to review their training experiences.

PLAs and RN-to-BSN Programs

Many RNs who have an associate degree or nursing diploma go for an RN-BSN program to earn their bachelor’s degree. They can transfer credits, including PLAs, and graduate in three years or less. BSN graduates often move into leadership roles and earn more than nurses without a bachelor’s degree.

PLA policies vary between programs, so nursing students should talk to an advisor about things like credit limits, costs, and whether their experiences count. Students can get PLA credits through standardized tests or challenge exams early in their studies. As they go on, they can create a portfolio in nursing content areas to show their college-level knowledge and skills and earn PLA credit.

Competency-Based RN-to-BSN Programs

Competency-based education (CBE) is gaining popularity in nursing programs. It lets students move at their own pace and save time and money. Instead of attending classes on a set schedule, students in competency-based RN-BSN programs show their progress by completing competency assessments. These assignments prove they’ve gained the skills needed for nursing careers.

Working nurses might not find traditional classes helpful if they already know the material. CBE programs recognize the knowledge gained through work and let students turn it into credit.

How Much Does Nursing School Cost?

Unlike PLAs that focus on individual courses and start with students, CBE models apply to whole nursing programs. The CBE curriculum checks if students have mastered competencies needed for nursing careers based on standards set by nursing professionals.

Using PLAs in Nursing School to Your Advantage

Many nursing students use PLA options to earn college credits for their past work and life experiences. Every nursing program has its own PLA process, but making a portfolio assessment is a common way to show you’re skilled in specific nursing areas.

RN-BSN programs give students clear instructions and rubrics for creating a portfolio. This helps them show evidence for each of three nursing areas: community and population-focused healthcare, leadership and management, and research and evidence-based practice/spirit of inquiry.

To create the portfolio, you need to provide evidence and write about your experiences. All three areas need at least two years of RN practice. If you’re making a portfolio for community and population-focused healthcare or leadership and management, you’ll also need to show you’ve worked in those areas for at least a year.

The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) says earning PLA credits, especially through portfolio assessment and standardized tests, helps students stick with their studies and graduate. A recent CAEL study found that students with PLA credits are less likely to stop studying because of personal, financial, or work-related reasons. They’re also more likely to graduate, especially if they get PLA credits early in their studies.

PLAs for Nurses during COVID-19

CAEL, with help from partner foundations, has published research on how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected postsecondary education. As the country tries to recover, this research suggests that using PLAs more can help students and workers earn the education they need to find jobs in the economy.

Policymakers and educators need to recognize, expand, and promote PLA tools as important parts of degree programs and workforce training. In many fields, people who’ve lost jobs need training to start new careers. Schools and workforce programs should respond to student needs, especially for non-traditional, adult learners. This includes offering more options to complete degrees and changing financial aid policies to cover the cost of PLAs.

Having more chances to get credit for prior learning helps the post-pandemic workforce. It encourages students to enter degree and certification programs that build on their skills and experiences, saving them time and money.

The Future of PLAs for Nursing Students

As demand for skilled healthcare workers goes up, nursing students can benefit from using more prior learning assessment models. The CAEL study suggests four ways to make PLA tools better for everyone, not just in nursing.
1. Schools should make sure workers understand how PLAs give college credit for past work experience, helping them develop new skills.
2. Schools need to guide students through available PLAs at different stages, starting when they’re recruited or enrolled.
3. Even though PLA credits lower the cost of a degree, many potential students, especially those with lower incomes, can’t afford education. Schools should work with others to change financial aid policies so they cover PLA costs.
4. COVID-19 has shown how hard it can be when the economy changes suddenly. Partnerships between schools, employers, and governments that use PLAs can help handle changes and support students while keeping education quality high.

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