Post a description of the healthcare organization website you reviewed. Describe where, if at all, EBP appears (e.g., the mission, vision, philosophy, and/or goals of the healthcare organization, or in other locations on the website). Then, explain whether this healthcare organization’s work is grounded in EBP and why or why not. Finally, explain whether the information you discovered on the healthcare organization’s website has changed your perception of the healthcare organization. Be specific and provide examples.

Differences Between LPN and CNA: Salaries and Key Details


Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by visiting the websites they shared and offering additional examples of EBP or alternative views/interpretations to those shared in your colleagues’ posts.

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The website of the healthcare institution I explored is the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NIH stands as one of the most esteemed centers for medical and behavioral research globally and operates under the purview of the Department of Health and Human Services. Notably, their commitment to evidence-based practice is immediately evident in the “about” section of their website. The primary objectives of the NIH are to actively engage in research endeavors aimed at enhancing health and preventing diseases, expanding the knowledge reservoir of medical sciences, and upholding scientific integrity (National Institutes of Health, 2015). To accomplish these objectives, the NIH plays a pivotal role in leading programs and providing support for research across various domains of medical and behavioral health. Their research findings are frequently cited by other researchers in these respective fields.

My encounter with the NIH’s website did not alter my pre-existing perception of the organization, as I was already aware of its distinguished status as a research institution that has contributed significantly to the development of high-quality research studies, ultimately contributing to the betterment of the health of the American population. Notably, the NIH has been actively involved in conducting research related to COVID-19, including recent investigations into the correlation between long COVID and chronic viral infections (National Institutes of Health, 2022). Additionally, they have launched a dedicated website for the self-reporting of COVID-19 test results (National Institutes of Health, 2022). This exemplifies their continuous engagement with pressing contemporary issues, as evidenced by their substantial focus on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

  • References:

    National Institutes of Health. (2015, July 7). About the NIH. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved November 28, 2022, from

    National Institutes of Health. (2022). The relationship between chronic viral infection and Long Covid. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved November 28, 2022, from

    National Institutes of Health. (2022, November 22). NIH establishes website for self-reporting COVID-19 test results. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved November 28, 2022, from

     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionLeslie Rasmussen 

      Hi Anupa!

      I find it amazing that these big organizations focus so much of their information on their own research. I did look up the National Institutes of Health website and found it interesting that they do have a tab just for their research and training behind it. They have topics such as medical research initiatives, science highlights, science education, Research in NIH labs and clinics, training opportunities and more (National Institutes of Health, 2022). Its so easy to find information on their website. I agree with you, it did not change my perception on them as they are such a well-known organization when it comes to health and well-being. Many of the scholarly journals that I did pull up had used different tools from the National Institutes of Health for their research or they were part of the funding for that research. I did also find the National Institute of health and Care Research in the UK and again, right on the front page it speaks about their research. There are publications of their current research, how far they are or what strides they have made, what information they are using to submit for the research and has ways to help support their target goals (National Institute of Health and Care Research, 2022). I found this discussion was beneficial for me because it made me dig a little deeper into these organizations that everyone hears about but may not know that in depth. Great post!


      National Institutes of Health. (2022). Research and training. to an external site.

      National Institute of Health and Care Research. (2022). Our research performance.

       Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionMleh Porter 

        Hello Anupa,

        Thank you for your post. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the National Institute of Health (NIH) and agree that it is a respected research institute. Evidence-based practice is evident on NIH’s website. NIH describes its mission as gaining more knowledge about living systems and the ability to apply the knowledge gained to help improve health, increase life span, and reduce illness and disability. To realize its goal, NIH leads and directs programs focused on improving the country’s health by participating in and supporting research studies (National Institute of Health, 2017). In 2021, the NIH invested most of its $45 billion budget in medical research, providing grants to over 300,000 researchers in various research institutions in every state in the United States (NIH, 2022). I also like the fact that the website is easy to navigate. I read about rare autoinflammatory disease research studies and the contributions of NIH research to the differentiation in autoinflammatory and autoimmune diseases. This differentiation has impacted how autoinflammatory conditions are treated today (NIH, 2022).


        National Institutes of Health. (2022, August 18). Budget. Retrieved December 3, 2022, from

        National Institutes of Health (2022, November 18). Our stories. Retrieved December 3, 2022, from

        National Institute of Health. (2017, July 27). Mission and goals. Retrieved December 3, 2022, from

         Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionOghogho Nwokedi 

      Hello Anupa,

      It was captivating to read your post about the National Institute of Health and realize all they do so I looked up the site and I was not disappointed at all. Knowing that EBP improves healthcare quality, reliability, and patient outcomes (Melnyk et al, 2014), their first goal about fostering fundamental creative discoveries, innovative research strategies, and their applications as a basis to significantly advance the Nation’s capacity to protect and improve health (NIH, 2022) jumped at me.

      It was exciting to see that they run an Intramural Research Program (IRP) that trains physicians and scientists at the postdoctoral and clinical levels as well as  graduate and medical students, post-baccalaureate fellows, and summer students. It’s captivating to realize that the NIH provides leadership and direction to programs designed to improve the health of the Nation by conducting and supporting research in directing programs for the collection, dissemination, and exchange of information in medicine and health, including the development and support of medical libraries and the training of medical librarians and other health information specialists. They are in effect providing the evidence base for the practice.



      Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher-Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2014). The Establishment of Evidence-Based Practice Competencies for Practicing Registered Nurses and Advanced Practice Nurses in Real-World Clinical Settings: Proficiencies to Improve Healthcare Quality, Reliability, Patient Outcomes, and Costs. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing11(1), 5–15. to an external site.

      National Institutes of Health, 2022, October 10 Intramural Research Program (IRP) to an external site.

      National Institutes of Health, 2022, October 10. Research-training

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionMaxine A Lewis 

      Hello Anupa, I was aware of the National Institute of Health website by surfing the web looking for appropriate articles and used some of their journal in my assignment. I have never really navigated the site but after reading your post and the responses of others I decided to. I was impressed! The intermural research program caught my eyes as well as Biological Betrayal where Dr. Kaplan was discussing her research on auto-immune diseases. Most of Dr. Kaplan’s research has been focused on systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), also known as “lupus,” which she refers to as “the poster child” for autoimmune disorders. SLE is a type of autoimmune disease that can cause arterial inflammation and joint destruction (Biological Betrayal). 

      Dr. Kaplan and her team “discovered that a class of white blood cells called neutrophils, which are the innate immune system’s first responders to an infection or injury, go haywire in many autoimmune diseases” (Biological Betrayal). An interesting section caught my eyes regarding the effect of covid-19 and its vaccine affect people with autoimmune disease (NIH) as recently my co-worker was diagnosed with lupus, she recently had covid and received the vaccine there after.  New-onset autoimmune symptoms following COVID-19 vaccination have been widely observed. The key methods by which the COVID-19 vaccine causes autoimmunity are molecular mimicry, the creation of specific autoantibodies, and the role of specific vaccine adjuvants (Chen, 2022).

      Chen, Y., Xu, Z., Wang, P., Li, X. M., Shuai, Z. W., Ye, D. Q., & Pan, H. F. (2022). New-onset autoimmune phenomena post-COVID-19 vaccination. Immunology165(4), 386–401.

      The National Institute of Health Intermural Research Program, Biological Betrayal,

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionErica Dentaa Darko 

      Hello, Anupa! In your post, you provided a wealth of useful information. To begin with, an article states integrating evidence-based practice (EBP) into the daily practice of healthcare professionals has the potential to improve the practice environment as well as patient outcomes (Abu-Baker et al., 2021). I was able to learn more about the healthcare organization, as well as its vision and goals, by visiting the National Institutes of Health website. As you mentioned in your discussion post, the ‘About the NIH Almanac’ section contains more detailed information, such as the agency’s goals, one of which is to develop, maintain, and renew scientific human and physical resources that will ensure the Nation’s ability to prevent disease (National Institutes of Health, 2015).

      The National Institutes of Health (NIH) provides leadership and direction to programs that conduct and support research to improve the nation’s health (National Institutes of Health, 2015). Its mission is to seek fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems, as well as to apply that knowledge to improve health, extend life, and reduce illness and disability (National Institutes of Health, 2015). On a scientific basis, EBP refers to using the best available evidence for decision-making and providing efficient and effective care for patients. EBP implementation that is systematic can improve healthcare safety and patient outcomes.

      According to one of the website’s tabs titled “Research and Training,” the Intramural Research Program (IRP) is the internal research program of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), known for its synergistic approach to biomedical science (National Institutes of Health, 2015). I agree with you, and I also find this organization because it is well-known, and the NIH is a well-respected research body.


      Abu-Baker, N. N., AbuAlrub, S., Obeidat, R. F., & Assmairan, K. (2021, January 7). Evidence-based practice beliefs and implementations: A cross-sectional study among undergraduate nursing students. BMC nursing. Retrieved December 1, 2022, from

      National Institutes of Health. (2015, July 7). About the NIH. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved November 29th, 2022, from


       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionCheron Massonburg 

      Hi Anupa, I enjoyed reading your post about the National Institute of Health (NIH). Considering the information I reviewed on the NIH, my perception changed positively. At my place of employment, we strive to provide evidence-based care because it genuinely does allow patients the best chance of overcoming whatever ailment they are encountered with. I would say I further respect the work that the NIH puts into their organization because being a healthcare professional is difficult, but wearing the hat of a researcher as well, and successfully, is no small task. It also brings effective and accurate research and practices to its members, further spreading education.

      One thing in particular that stood out to me as I navigated the site was the Advance Research Project Agency for Health (ARPA-H), proposed and created by President Joe Biden to improve the U.S. government’s ability to speed biomedical and health research. Public Law 117-103 was enacted on March 15, 2022, authorizing the establishment of ARPA-H within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (National Institutes of Health, 2022).

      ARPA-H will support transformative high-risk, high-reward research to drive biomedical and health breakthroughs—ranging from molecular to societal—that would provide transformative solutions for all patients (National Institutes of Health, 2022).


      National Institutes of Health. (2015, July 7). About the NIH. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved November 30, 2022, from to an external site.

      National Institutes of Health, 2022, November 30. Research-training

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionUrsla Anyizi-Taku 

      Response #1

      Hi, Anupa,

      Great post.

      It’s excellent to understand that EBP involves complex and conscientious decision-making built not only on the available evidence but also on patient physiognomies, circumstances, and preferences. It also recognizes health care as an individualized and ever-changing that involves uncertainties and probabilities. Ultimately EBP is the formalization of the care process that the best clinicians have practiced for generations (McKibbon, 1998). The emergence of Evidence-based practice has been rapid and dramatic, spreading in popularity amongst many healthcare disciplines, and is changing the way healthcare is undertaken. The dependence on the partnership among hard scientific evidence, clinical expertise, individual patient needs, and choices is the reason why evidence-based practice is vital, demanding, and highly respected among healthcare disciplines (Hoffmann & et, 2010). Despite this, Evidence-based practice does have limitations, and therefore, research is always needed to improve retrieval methods for EBP information. This is the reason why health professionals need to develop and retain their research skills durable constantly.


      Hoffmann, T., Bennett, S., & Mar, C. D. (2010). Evidence-based Practice-across the health professions. Elsevier Australia.

      McKibbon, K. A. (1998). Evidence-based practice*. Health Information Research Unit, 396-401

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionRita Osei 

      Hi Anupa,

      The NIH agency comprises 27 centers (National Institute of Health, 2018). What I found during my research was that they did not have a union for their employees. I think an organization of that caliber should have a union to allow their employees to have a safe channel to voice their concerns. This will help facilitate a collective agreement between negotiators, allowing management and union representatives to partake in more amicable discussions

      very informative post.

      thank you.


      National Institute of Health. (2018). Accelerating Medicine Partnership. Retrieved from HTTPs:// to an external site.

      National Institute of Health. (2020). Federal employees Retirement System Retrieved from Https://


       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionJaushai Henry 

      Great Post! NIH has been known to give credible information related to various of health care topics. NIH uses implementation science to improve health equity in clinical preventive services. Prevention research examines all diseases and conditions, populations, and phases of life. The Office of disease prevention(ODP) uses tools, resources, and information to support research(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2022). For NIH to be able to use prevention research and build a healthier future. They us six strategic priorities that will guide the activities of the office.The priorities are interconnected, allowing each area to leverage staff expertise and build upon prevention related resources, tools, and initiatives developed across the ODP. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) With this information provided on the website, one can see that the creators strive on evidence based practice research.


      U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2022, June 14). ODP strategic plan FY 2019-2023. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved December 4, 2022, from to an external site.

      U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2021, July 2). Research priorities. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved December 4, 2022, from



       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionLeslie Rasmussen 

                                                            Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

                  The CDC is an organization that always works to help protect America against health, safety, and security threats both in the U.S. and foreign (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.). The organization utilizes science to help provide health information that can save lives and protect individuals from possible threats (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.). They are working 24/7 to protect the publics health, they detect and provide a response to health threats, promote safe and healthy behaviors, and use science and technology to help prevent the spread of diseases (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.).

                                                              Evidence-Based Practice use by the CDC

                  Reviewing the CDC website in depth proves that they use EBP with almost all the research they do. The Mission discusses using science for their practices to learn what will best protect others from health disparities. The strategic plan for 2022-2027 is about utilizing advanced science and data that is done timely to communicate with the public and highly impact the diseases at hand. There is a tab on their website that is based for the public to review the resources that are used with specific topics such as, behavioral and mental health, accountability, data and health information technology, law and regulation policies, workplace health, and much more (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022.) Reviewing this tab will provide you with many EBP articles that can be reviewed on all the different topics.

    The developers that work for the CDC base their recommendations and findings from EBP that they review themselves or conduct on their own. They will also post how they used EBP to come up with these recommendations to build trust with the community and provide examples that they completed themselves to make these recommendations (Carande-Kulis et al., 2022). To date, the CDC has posted hundreds of EBP articles that they have conducted themselves on a range of topics. With them being at the top of global public health, their information must be valid, transparent, and clear (Carande-Kulis et al., 2022). Because of this, science is important in providing this accurate information.


    I knew that the CDC was an important organization when it comes to public health and the everyday diseases that we deal with. I have never looked at them as in depth as I did with this discussion, so I am more impressed with them after looking at their website and information in depth. I reviewed an article in a book about evidence-based practice that cites the CDC often throughout the book (LoBiondo-Wood et al., n.d.). Which makes me feel that they are more credible than some take them out to be, a lot of the public does not like their recommendations at times, especially during COVID-19. But now knowing how they use science to come up with these recommendations makes me feel safer knowing that they are studying each health problem in depth.



    Carande-Kulis, V., Elder, R., & Mattson-Koffman, D. (2022). Standards required for the development of

    CDC evidence-based guidelines. Supplements, 71(1), 1-6.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). About CDC.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Evidence-based practices.

    LoBiondo-Wood, G., Haber, J., & Titler, M. (n.d.). Evidence-based practice for nursing and healthcare

    quality improvement. Elselvier

     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionAndrea M Allen 

      Hi Leslie,

      Great read.  I am truly grateful for learning so much about the CDC.  The CDC was very instrumental in navigating our most recent pandemic. Through the use and acquired knowledge of EBP we are able to maintain a decrease in anxiety due to loss of some love ones.  EBP has proven over time to spare lives through the use of vaccines and other medicines.




      Centers for Disease control and Prevention. (22). Evidence-based practices to an external site. health gateway/program/resources/evidence.html

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionRita Osei 

      first response

      great post Leslie,

      The CDC does a great job assisting and educating various agencies on disease awareness and prevention strategies. In looking at their website, their goal is to stay prepared and alert to any new outbreaks and to properly tackle and provide the appropriate solution to the problem. Their role in a public health emergency is to provide appropriate information to the state and local authorities to properly combat any health crisis that may arise. (CDC, 2018)



      Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). About CDC.

      Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Evidence-based practices

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionBertina Boma Soh 

       I agree with you that the CDC sticks to evidence-based practice. Regarding EBP, we mainly look at three areas: available evidence, clinical knowledge and skills, and the patient’s wants and needs. The CDC has published hundreds of evidence-based guidelines on various topics, from preventing and controlling infectious and noninfectious diseases and injuries to promoting environmental health and preparedness for natural and manufactured disasters.

      For example, the CDC provides the NSHN definitions of hospital-acquired infections. Their importance to a hospitalized patient’s health is that it provides strategies for prevention, such as standardized care bundles, order panels, practice guidelines, and cognitive aids (CDC, 2022). A review of NSHN hospital-acquired conditions involves detailed knowledge by certified infection prevention personnel (CDC, 2022).

      In addition, you mentioned Mental Health, and I support the point you brought up. Current policies and healthcare providers must remain diligent when implementing procedures regarding mental health services. Stopping stigma is very important if you want people you care about to feel safer and healthier. People addicted to opioids can get their lives back on track with help from treatment. This is because addiction strongly affects the brain and behavior ( The government, communities, schools, providers, and parents cannot afford not to take the topic seriously (CDC, 2022). 

      Colleges and universities face a mental health crisis today— nearly 40% of college students are experiencing depression. According to a 2020 study, 34% reported anxiety, and 13% said they had thought seriously about suicide in the last year. The pandemic exacerbated the crisis, but other factors drove the surge (Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2022). 


      Harvard Graduate School of Education. 2022 President and Fellows of Harvard College.,suicide%20in%20the%20last%20year.

      Lambert, B. A., Denson, F., Baumgarten, K., Parker, D., & Badakhsh, R. (2022). and Prevention (CDC) Hospital-Acquired Infections. Optimizing Widely Reported Hospital Quality and Safety Grades: An Ochsner Quality and Value Playbook, 95.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionNtumba Kabongo 

      Response #1

      Hi Leslie, I like your post regarding the CDC. The centers for disease control and prevention  is a reputable agency that collaborates to create the expertise , information , and tools that people and communities need to protect their health through health promotion , prevention of disease , injury and disability, and preparedness for new health threats. This agency has used science and evidence based practices to educate and gives guidelines to the population in regards to prevention and treatment plan for diseases. This agency has been the backbone especially in the last 2 years during the pandemics.


      Centers for Disease control and Prevention. (22). Evidence-based practices Links to an external site.Links to an external site. health gateway/program/resources/evidence.html

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionSulaiman Yassin Jalloh 

      Hi Leslie,

      You have shared excellent ideas about the CDC’s use of evidence-based practice. Apparently, CDC makes a significant contribution to public health in the U.S. and in other foreign countries. The organization’s investment in science individuals individuates the commitment to public health interventions that are grounded interventions (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). The EBP resources provided by the CDC focus on almost areas of public health and safety, including immunization and health behaviors. Thus, the CDC website offers an important resource that would be used by healthcare organizations. For instance, healthcare providers can recommend the CDC website for factual information about diabetes or child immunization (Craig & Dowding, 2019). However, there are a few pending concerns about utilizing evidence-based resources by CDC. What standards should healthcare providers utilize in integrating the health information by CDC into care?


      Craig, J. V., & Dowding, D. (Eds.). (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences.

      Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionErica Dentaa Darko 

      Hello Leslie,

      Great post, very informative, and you made some excellent points. I’d like to provide additional examples of EBP or alternative perspectives/interpretations. First and foremost, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is well-known. The CDC prevents, detects, and responds to diseases wherever they occur in order to keep them from entering the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention promotes healthy and safe behaviors, communities, and the environment. They work around the clock, or as the website states, 24/7 to protect the public’s health (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022). The CDC fights disease and assists communities and citizens in doing so.

      The first page of the website is titled “Mission, Role, and Pledge,” making it clear that the vision is to protect health, safety, and security in an equitable manner (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) established the Diffusion of Effective Behavioral Interventions (DEBI) program as part of its efforts to expand evidence-based practice (EBP) in HIV prevention at the community level (Carande-Kulis et al., 2022). On the CDC website, there is also a section titled “Evidence-based practices” that offers information and resources about evidence-based programs and policies (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022). One tab discusses HIV in relation to policies and practices that use the healthcare system to help prevent HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, STDs, and tuberculosis infections (Owczarzak, 2010). Lots of great information on the site!


      Carande-Kulis, V., Elder, R., & Koffman, D. (2022, January 13). Standards required for the development of CDC evidence-based guidelines. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from

      Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, October 25). CDC – evidence-based practices – health system resource – STLT gateway. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from to an external site.

      Owczarzak, J. (2010). Evidence-based HIV prevention in community settings: Provider perspectives on evidence and effectiveness. Taylor & Francis. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionStephen Chege 

      Great post, Leslie.

      CDC does a credible job in ensuring health safety for Americans and also the population around the Globe. During the recent pandemic, CDC surveillance remained active in finding measures to flatten the curve of rapidly increasing cases of Covid-19 infections.

      Besides CDC protecting the population in America, I admire the services supporting travelers. Some of Travellers Health Services include surveillance for possible diseases or outbreaks around the Globe. For example, on a family trip to Jamaica, information on health precautions or possible infections within the destination region is available on the CDC website. I have also evidenced information on areas that are high risk for Malaria in Africa, and before traveling, you can get prophylactic medication. Other traveler information includes information for individuals with severe allergy reactions, chronic illness, older adults, individuals with mental illness, pregnant mothers, and families traveling with young kids. Awareness of regional health risks helps travelers plan and take the necessary precautions to promote safety and health ( to an external site.).


       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionEsther Davis 

                                                           The Mayo Clinic   

     Evidence-based practice (EBP) enhances healthcare quality, improves patient outcomes, reduces costs, and empowers clinicians  (Melnyk, B. M & Fineout-Overholt, E, 2019, p 7). These four derived benefits are otherwise called the quadruple aim in healthcare (Walden University, 2018). In order to achieve these benefits, EBP is being adopted by hospitals and health care systems in the US. One of such hospitals that I researched is the Mayo Clinic.

    The Mayo Clinic mission statement is to inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice, education, and research.  The Mayo clinic promotes EBP by promoting research, educating health practitioners on current health practices and implement new practices based on evidence-based research and best clinical practice (Mayo Clinic,2022).

    Mayo Clinic conducts different levels of research at its campuses in Arizona, Florida, and Minnesota. Thousands of patients around the world travel to Mayo to get health care and Mayo clinic cares for more than 1.4 million people each year with serious complex illnesses (Mayo Clinic, 2022).

    In one of Mayo’s clinical research studies that I came across, the study was carried out to determine if adding bone marrow aspirate concentrate to repaired tissue after standard rotator cuff surgery would improve outcomes for patients, there was reduction in revision surgery for patients who receive the bone marrow aspirate and as a result this  procedure is growing in use throughout the practice of orthopedic surgery and commonly added as a surgical adjunct to rotator cuff tears (Mayo Clinic, 2022).

    I have heard about the mayo healthcare system for many years, but it never occurred to me how much impact they are making in clinical practice and research until I explored their website and learned more, this has really changed my perception about the organization. Mayo as a non-profit organization, is committed to expert and whole-person world-class care which is a result of its founder’s values and I understand that up till this date those values are guiding its mission to benefit patients across the globe giving them more hope, improved patient care and better health.



    Mayo Clinic Health Systems. (2022).

    Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Evidence-based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.

    Mayo Clinic. (2022). to an external site.

    Mayo Clinic Health Systems. (2022).

    Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2018). Evidence-based Practice and the Quadruple Aim [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.


     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionOghogho Nwokedi 

      Hello Esther,

      Thank you for your write up about Mayo clinic. I have always wondered why this name came up in a lot of my research into healthcare issues; now I realize by looking at their website that it’s in part as a result of their evidence based practice. It’s interesting to note that in this age of social media where  71% of adults go online every day, and an additional 11% go online three to five times per week  with one in three young people engaging in a type of technology in their daily lives (NG, 2018), Mayo clinic has a search disease and conditions engine with a symptom checker. It is also worthy of note that driven by patient’s needs, Mayo Clinic, through collaboration between its doctors and scientists,  conducts basic, translational, clinical and epidemiological research  to develop new and improved diagnostic tools, medications, devices, treatment protocols and more



      Ng, S. M. (2018). Technology, telemedicine and social media are tools to improve health outcomes, education and patient engagement in a  pediatric diabetes service. Practical Diabetes35(3), 97–100. to an external site.

      Mayo Clinic. (2022). to an external site.

      Mayo Clinic. (2022). About Mayo Clinic Research.


       Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionVictavian Jackson 

        Great Post Esther!

        I enjoyed reading your post about evidence-based research (EBR) and how the Mayo Clinic published clinical information for practitioners to practice safely. It is horrible that I never paid close attention to the many advertisement flags about the Mayo Clinic and not once I adventured on their website. Mayo Clinic is an organization with the primary goal to educate and provide expert information to any human being who needs healthcare advice (About Mayo Clinic, 2020).One particular program offered at the Mayo Clinic is the Advanced Care at Home (ACH) team, they successfully provide nonsurgical acute management remotely at home for patients who refuse surgical intervention (Paulson et al., 2022). The ACH program is monitored by a telemedicine command center through telehealth and conducts virtual rounds on the patient. A hospitalization is a threatening event for patients 65 years and older and as a result this program provide high-acuity care in a home setting to reduce healthcare expenditures and healthcare-associated infections. In addition to the ACH program, the Mayo clinic have created a mobile system for ophthalmologists to perform eye examinations and diagnosed medical conditions remotely (Gaffar et al., 2017). The Mayo Clinic experts have been solving the world’s toughest medical problems in rural communities where access to care is a challenge. The organization is rapidly producing solutions using evidence-based research for machine learning and home hospital models. Great job on choosing the organization to research.


        About Mayo Clinic. (2020, June 12). Mayo Clinic. to an external site.

        Paulson, M. R., Torres-Guzman, R. A., Avila, F. R., Maita, K., Garcia, J. P., Eldaly, A., Palmieri-Serrano, L., Forte, A. J., Thompson, J. C., & Maniaci, M. J. (2022). 85-Year-Old postsurgical complex patient successfully managed remotely at the Novel Mayo Clinic’s Hospital at Home. Case Reports in Vascular Medicine2022, 1–5. to an external site.

        Gaffar, A., Patel, D. R., Pallagi, P. J., Gaffar, R., & Karami, M. (2017). Identifying and Mitigating Design Challenges of Ophthalmology Tele-medicine at Mayo Clinic. 2017 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI) to an external site.

         Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionVictavian Jackson 

      Great Post Esther!

      I enjoyed reading your post about evidence-based research (EBR) and how the Mayo Clinic published clinical information for

      practitioners to practice safely. It is horrible that I never paid close attention to the many advertisement flags about the Mayo Clinic and not

      once I adventured on their website. Mayo Clinic is an organization with the primary goal to educate and provide expert information to any

      human being who needs healthcare advice (About Mayo Clinic, 2020).One particular program offered at the Mayo Clinic is the Advanced Care at

      Home (ACH) team, they successfully provide nonsurgical acute management remotely at home for patients who refuse surgical intervention

      (Paulson et al., 2022). The ACH program is monitored by a telemedicine command center through telehealth and conducts virtual rounds on the

      patient. A hospitalization is a threatening event for patients 65 years and older and as a result this program provide high-acuity care in a home

      setting to reduce healthcare expenditures and healthcare-associated infections. In addition to the ACH program, the Mayo clinic have created a

      mobile system for ophthalmologists to perform eye examinations and diagnosed medical conditions remotely (Gaffar et al., 2017). The Mayo

      Clinic experts have been solving the world’s toughest medical problems in rural communities where access to care is a challenge. The

      organization is rapidly producing solutions using evidence-based research for machine learning and home hospital models. Great job on

      choosing the organization to research.


      About Mayo Clinic. (2020, June 12). Mayo Clinic. to an external site.

      Paulson, M. R., Torres-Guzman, R. A., Avila, F. R., Maita, K., Garcia, J. P., Eldaly, A., Palmieri-Serrano, L., Forte, A. J., Thompson, J. C., & Maniaci, M. J. (2022). 85-Year-Old postsurgical complex patient successfully managed remotely at the Novel Mayo Clinic’s Hospital at Home. Case Reports in Vascular Medicine2022, 1–5. to an external site.

      Gaffar, A., Patel, D. R., Pallagi, P. J., Gaffar, R., & Karami, M. (2017). Identifying and Mitigating Design Challenges of Ophthalmology Tele-medicine at Mayo Clinic. 2017 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI) to an external site.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionVictavian Jackson 

      Great Post Esther!

      I enjoyed reading your post about evidence-based research (EBR) and how the Mayo Clinic published clinical information for

      practitioners to practice safely. It is horrible that I never paid close attention to the many advertisement flags about the Mayo Clinic and not

      once I adventured on their website. Mayo Clinic is an organization with the primary goal to educate and provide expert information to any

      human being who needs healthcare advice (About Mayo Clinic, 2020).One particular program offered at the Mayo Clinic is the Advanced Care at

      Home (ACH) team, they successfully provide nonsurgical acute management remotely at home for patients who refuse surgical intervention

      (Paulson et al., 2022). The ACH program is monitored by a telemedicine command center through telehealth and conducts virtual rounds on the

      patient. A hospitalization is a threatening event for patients 65 years and older and as a result this program provide high-acuity care in a home

      setting to reduce healthcare expenditures and healthcare-associated infections. In addition to the ACH program, the Mayo clinic have created a

      mobile system for ophthalmologists to perform eye examinations and diagnosed medical conditions remotely (Gaffar et al., 2017). The Mayo

      Clinic experts have been solving the world’s toughest medical problems in rural communities where access to care is a challenge. The

      organization is rapidly producing solutions using evidence-based research for machine learning and home hospital models. Great job on

      choosing the organization to research.


      About Mayo Clinic. (2020, June 12). Mayo Clinic. to an external site.

      Paulson, M. R., Torres-Guzman, R. A., Avila, F. R., Maita, K., Garcia, J. P., Eldaly, A., Palmieri-Serrano, L., Forte, A. J., Thompson, J. C., & Maniaci, M. J. (2022). 85-Year-Old postsurgical complex patient successfully managed remotely at the Novel Mayo Clinic’s Hospital at Home. Case Reports in Vascular Medicine2022, 1–5. to an external site.

      Gaffar, A., Patel, D. R., Pallagi, P. J., Gaffar, R., & Karami, M. (2017). Identifying and Mitigating Design Challenges of Ophthalmology Tele-medicine at Mayo Clinic. 2017 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI) to an external site.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionJasmine London 

      Hi Esther,

      I enjoyed reading your post. Similar to you, I have always heard of the Mayo Clinic and its campuses but I was unaware of their role in clinical research. These organizations are so important to healthcare and the advancement of health and sciences. Upon reading their website, I learned that they were an important component to mitigating the Covid-19 pandemic. A number of trials were created to help understand and treat the disease. They developed a Covid-19 research task force to conduct trials to research the use of plasma of people who recovered from Covid 19 to treat others. This research lead to the development of the treatments for the virus and also the creation of the vaccine (Mayo Clinic, 2022).


      Mayo Clinic Health Systems. (2022). to an external site.

      Mayo Clinic Health Systems. (2022). Mayo Clinic Researchers Double Down on COVID-19. Mayo Clinic.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionOdion Iseki 

      Hi Esther

      Great post. I was very interested in evidence-based research (EBR) and how the Mayo Clinic shares therapeutic knowledge with other organizations. I should have seen the many advertising flags for the Mayo Clinic and gone to its website sooner.
      If a patient doesn’t want surgery, the Mayo Clinic’s Advanced Care at Home (ACH) team can treat them remotely and without surgery (Paulson et al., 2022).
      A telemedicine control room monitors the ACH program and does virtual patient rounds. Due to the high cost of healthcare, t risk of infection, and the inconvenience of hospitalization, this program offers high-acuity care for patients in the comfort of their homes.

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