NURS 8114 Translation of Evidence and Application

NURS 8114 Translation of Evidence and Application

Translating and applying evidence for practice change in a healthcare organization can be quite challenging. There are multiple steps involved, such as identifying research questions, finding relevant studies, assessing their quality, and synthesizing the results. Once you’ve synthesized the findings, it’s crucial to understand how they apply to your practice. This means figuring out which studies are most relevant to your specific setting and patient population (Dopp et al., 2021). You also need to convert these findings into practical language that clinicians can easily grasp and use. Finally, monitoring the implementation of new practices is essential to ensure they have the intended impact. This assignment aims to shed light on the challenges and obstacles that come with translating and applying evidence for practice change in healthcare organizations.

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Challenges and Barriers to Translating and Applying Evidence for Practice Change in a Target Health Care Organization

One of the main challenges when trying to translate and apply evidence for practice change in a healthcare organization is overcoming inertia. Inertia manifests in various forms throughout the healthcare system, leading to resistance in adopting new treatments or changes in clinical practice, even when supported by solid evidence. It’s also seen in the fragmented and poorly integrated care across different settings, as well as the reluctance of policymakers to consider research findings in decision-making (Dang et al., 2021).

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The barriers to translating and applying evidence for practice change in my target healthcare organization are similar to those in many large, complex organizations. Key obstacles include the lack of leadership commitment and support, fragmented care across various specialties and organizational silos, resistance to change from clinicians and staff, outdated or inadequate technology, limited funding and resources, and poor communication among staff (Dang et al., 2021). Addressing these barriers is essential for improving the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery.

Issues of Concern When Translating and Applying Evidence for Practice Change in a Healthcare Organization

Translating and applying evidence for practice change in healthcare is challenging due to various issues. One challenge is that different types of evidence, such as randomized controlled trials, observational studies, and expert opinions, may conflict with each other. This makes it difficult to determine which evidence should guide decision-making. Additionally, clinical trial results may not apply to all patient populations or settings. Finally, implementing new practices can be challenging in terms of time, costs, and the organizational changes required (Dang et al., 2021). Despite these difficulties, it’s crucial to keep translating and applying research evidence to enhance patient care.

To overcome the challenges and barriers in translating and applying evidence for practice change in a healthcare organization, several key points should be considered. Change takes time, and understanding the organizational dynamics within your institution is crucial. Knowing who makes decisions, who is responsible for implementing changes, and the politics around clinical issues is essential. A clear vision for change must be communicated effectively to all stakeholders, and the necessary tools and resources should be in place to support the process (Dang et al., 2021).

NURS 8114 Translation of Evidence and Application

In my role as a DNP, I see myself as a change agent. I aim to create a healthcare culture that encourages the translation of evidence into quality improvement initiatives. This involves fostering an environment where nurses feel empowered to make practice changes based on the latest evidence. Access to high-quality educational resources for continuous learning is essential to help nurses grow and provide better patient care. Nurses are the backbone of the healthcare system, and it’s vital that they have the necessary tools to offer quality care (Barakat-Johnson et al., 2020).

Actions and Activities that could be modeled to Advocate for Quality Improvement and Social Change in Nursing

Several actions and activities can be modeled to advocate for quality improvement and social change in nursing. First, advocate for evidence-based practice and seek out the latest research and best practices to apply in your practice. Second, be a role model for high-quality patient care and set a high standard for your colleagues (Barakat-Johnson et al., 2020). Third, actively participate in quality improvement initiatives at your workplace, identify problems, and work with your team to find solutions. Finally, speak up and make your voice heard when advocating for quality care and social change in nursing.


Translating and applying research evidence for practice change in healthcare faces many barriers, with engagement between researchers and healthcare practitioners being a crucial issue. As a DNP, I view my role as a change agent, striving to create a healthcare culture that encourages the translation of evidence into quality improvement initiatives (Barakat-Johnson et al., 2020). Translating and applying evidence for practice change in healthcare can be challenging due to various issues, such as conflicting evidence and the complexities of implementation. Nonetheless, it’s essential to persevere in translating and applying research evidence to enhance patient care.


Barakat-Johnson, M., Lai, M., Wand, T., Coyer, F., & White, K. (2020). Systemwide practice change program to combat hospital-acquired pressure injuries: translating knowledge into practice. Journal of Nursing Care Quality35(1), 51-57.  10.1097/NCQ.0000000000000395

Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2021). Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals: model and guidelines. Sigma Theta Tau.

Dopp, A. R., Kerns, S. E., Panattoni, L., Ringel, J. S., Eisenberg, D., Powell, B. J., … & Raghavan, R. (2021). Translating economic evaluations into financing strategies for implementing evidence-based practices. Implementation Science16(1), 1-12.

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